Helen Goff
No.1 Poster
pete if you can go to £2,500 then theres my 924S. loads of picture of it in Ausgust 2010, 911 Porsche World pages 77-84ORIGINAL: Pete_Porsche
yes Helen spot on. I only said avtar as its the only word I know to describe that bit!
Looks like Gordon is in there........
seriously though I am after a £1500ish car. Its looking like a mates Merc at the moment but I'd rather a Porsche. My newish leased Merc goes back in Feb and I need a cheap runabout.
few pictured on my fliker site http://www.flickr.com/photos/helengoff/sets/72157623805337931/
and these are of the 944S2 http://www.flickr.com/photos/helengoff/sets/72157623897898935/.
all these 944S2 picture were taken just after i bought the car. we have since tidied it up quite alot. i will take some new pictures tomorrow and add to this fliker page.