Prompted by the recent warranty topic, whilst in my OPC yesterday, I mentioned that there had been some time ago a topic on the Porsche forum about some OPCs being willing to use oil you supplied for a service, provided it was the correct type and in sealed original containers,
I get on well with the service manager and he said that one of the other OPCs in their group did this and there was apparently a problem with a subsequent warranty claim and that policy is now not allowed. He did say though as a club member I would get 10% off parts, but not off the labour.
The story allegedly goes that as there was no oil recorded on the invoice for servicing, the warranty was deemed void........
I didn't ask what if a notional £10? were charged or a note added to state that customers own oil of the correct type and in sealed original containers was used for the service as I quit trying to wind him up further, but to me that would seem to be a reasonable option.
I get on well with the service manager and he said that one of the other OPCs in their group did this and there was apparently a problem with a subsequent warranty claim and that policy is now not allowed. He did say though as a club member I would get 10% off parts, but not off the labour.
The story allegedly goes that as there was no oil recorded on the invoice for servicing, the warranty was deemed void........
I didn't ask what if a notional £10? were charged or a note added to state that customers own oil of the correct type and in sealed original containers was used for the service as I quit trying to wind him up further, but to me that would seem to be a reasonable option.