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west midlands meet..


New member here. I am very interested in the forthcoming meeting in Hockley Heath, I live nearby and plan to attend family and work comitments permitting.

I would be grateful for any advice on "meet" etiquette as I will be making my debut.

I have several questions:-

What exactly goes on at the meet?

What is the dress code and will I be able to get everything I need at Burtons?

Are there any taboo subjects? and how will we all know each other? (perhaos by carrying a copy of Porsche Post?)

Is it considered bad form not to wash your Porsche before attending?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.

Yours in anticipation.


ORIGINAL: Pickled Piper


New member here. I am very interested in the forthcoming meeting in Hockley Heath, I live nearby and plan to attend family and work comitments permitting.

I would be grateful for any advice on "meet" etiquette as I will be making my debut.

I have several questions:-

What exactly goes on at the meet?

What is the dress code and will I be able to get everything I need at Burtons?

Are there any taboo subjects? and how will we all know each other? (perhaos by carrying a copy of Porsche Post?)

Is it considered bad form not to wash your Porsche before attending?

Any advice would be gratefully appreciated.

Yours in anticipation.


Hi welcome to the Porsche world, and your'll be made very welcome at the meetings, what ever you wear..although a pink mini skirt with a boob tube may cause a bit of a stir [:D].

i'll be bringing along a PCGB sign to hopefully show where we all are and i expect many of us will also be wearing Porsche or PCGB clothing.
as a PCGB it is compulsary for you to keep your car clean and waxed at all times and you will be required to buy us a round if any dirt is found[;)](well its worth a try[8D]he might fall for it.)

conversation tends to be about cars, but will wonder into just about anything and everything.

taboo subjects... politics,race,religion.

ORIGINAL: Steve Screaton

Go on Helen, cause a bit of a stir............

Steve S.

shy retiring me,make an exhibition of myself [:eek:].............never [:-]:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

BTW: ive just be told that John Lord (R.O Hereford & Worcester) will take temporary custody of R9 until a suitable applicant can be found.

hopefully he will be in touch with you all soon and get region 9 back up and running. i'll leave it in his most capable hands and bow out.
ive just be told that John Lord (R.O Hereford & Worcester) will take temporary custody of R9 until a suitable applicant can be found.

I've heard rumour that John has changed the date of this first meeting i wonder if he would be good anough to confirm the date/time and venue so no one has a wasted journey.

THIS IS WHAT R9 WEB PAGE SAYS:Regular meetings will be held on the 3rd Thursday of the month from 8pm at the Old Royal Oak, Hockley Heath. A34 Birmingham-Stratford road. First meeting will take place 13th Jan.

Temporary Regional Organiser: John Lord, tel no: 01905 620687
great news.

I've had several people contact me and they are coming on the 13th too. so see you there. [8D] thought we might get there early for something to eat.
Excellent meet last night!

Great venue.

It's good to see new people coming forward in the region. I look forward to further meetings in future.

Thanks to all who helped get this togther - good job!

just a little reminder (as discussed last night)

as a group of you are interested in forming a commitee and running the region, you need to talk to Bob Lovelace (regional director) about how to go about this.
Bobs contact details are on the green pages of your PP.

go for it.
[FONT=Trebuchet MS"]Sorry i have not replied sooner, but just to say thanks for organising the meet, and also thanks to Larry and Helen for making the effort to come down and get things under way, interesting points were risen at the meeting, and for the first time i realised just how diverse the porsche ownership is, its a bit strange when you go out and buy a car, you immeadiately think everyone else has the same car, and everyone else wants to talk about your particular version/type. It quite a responsibility taking on the role of R.O as you have to be open to all types of disscussion and ownership, from my own point of view im really interested in Trackdays and pleasure in driving the car in the big wide open, if i can help in anyway to organise such events that occur, then please ask, im your man. As for other people in the area that may be able to offer some kind of administration/organisation help please step forward and express your interest. Im also very forum literate and dont mind helping in that area too. The website really is the future and as time goes on im sure more people will get use to it (even some of the R.Os) I hope to be able to make a little difference in this once a busy region. Cheers
don't forget that John Lord will be holding his first meeting as R9 babysitter. Thurday 20th Jan at The old Royal Oak Hockley heath from 8pm.

then regular regional meeting will be held on the third Thursday of the month.

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