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Which driving behaviour really gets on your wick..?


New member
Not really a 944 specific subject.. But

For me its without doubt tailgating.... This stoopid wench was really close to me yesterday using her fone. We all drive the 944 so you all can appreciate how close this idiot is to the back of my car in her Fiat Cheeky*unto. The spoiler isnt that big.... I know I should not have taken the picture but I was fed up after 3 miles...

Rant averted....


***language edited by Admin
Language, Timothy!

Tailgaters, middle lane hogs, outside lane hogs, talking on mobiles, overly loud crap music, yoofs with big exhausts - especially on diesels (why???!), Nissan Micra's, Austin Metro's, Citroen Picasso's (usually driven by the clueless), generally being in my way, driving below the speed limit in good conditions on open roads, panic braking for no reason, failing to indicate at roundabouts, people who panic when you overtake them. For starters.
She doesn't look that close to me. Try hacking 'round the North Circ during rush-hour to learn what 'tailgateing' really means ... as always, moving out of the way and allowing them past is the best option. Would you want an idiot like that to be a part of the rest of your life?

(Personal gripe: poor lane discipline. Of all types. I reckon you could increase the motorway capacity of this country by at least 30% if people used the lanes correctly, and yet this never seems to be a priority of the government - they'd rather have gridlock, with a very expensive building programme to get out of it. They don't seem to realise that the new tarmac will be as equally gridlocked within days if they don't do something about poor lane discipline.)

(That's on top of a more general gripe about poor driving standards in the UK. Drive in mainland Europe sometime and you will realise just how desperately poor driving standards are in the UK.)

1. People who use hand held mobiles - usually women ( not a sexist comment merely what I see ! ).

2. People who will NOT pull over when you want to make progress even though there is nothing in near side lane (s ) - never have this in BM or Subaru - only in 993.

3. People who do not wish to overtake forming a tailgated queue which means you either have to sit behind or force your way in ( which I just will not do these days ).

4. People who get upset when you DO overtake though it is perfectly safe to do so.

5. Caravanners who drive too close together in convoy ( the worst example of 3. above ).

6. Short haul HGV usually on piece work who go too fast on roads that are really not fit for the speed ( they scare me witless )!

There are others but it begins to sound like a rant!

For me its the farmer in county Clare, as the road was blocked with is cattle and he's happy just wacks the cattle with is stick to move them on, and when I said good morning he wacked the car with the same stick.
can only happen in Ireland,
Two things really get on my wick even more than the above:

1. Lack of use of indicators. They're not very complicated devices, no doubt you could teach a dog to use them, but it's amazing how many supposedly intelligent Human Beings just don't seem to be able to grasp this simple device. Especially at roundabouts - it's like playing Russian Roulette sometimes when you edge out onto a roundabout. If the Police could charge an ÂŁ30 on the spot fine for catching people not using their indicators properly then the income would dwarf that of speeding cameras.

2. People not overtaking slow moving vehicles on singe carriageway roads. If you're stuck behind a tractor or some other slow moving vehicle it is your duty to overtake at the earliest possible opportunity rather than just hanging back and following. These people may not be in a rush, but the majority of the people in the queue of traffic that forms behind usually are, and by not overtaking they are just forcing people behind to undertaking much more dangerous and risky manoeuvres as they try to overtake multiple cars.
This could be a long post if I listed everything [;)]

I suppose the worst must be those people that don't like being overtaken, they move across, they speed up or flash their lights. This definately isn't helped if the car is flash looking or noisy.

I had an odd one on the way to the Tipec meet, for a while I was behind two classic 911's (which looked glorious) and a BMW estate all doing 50 in a national limit, a long straight appeared and no one moved so I overtook all 3 cleanly. A few moments later the BMW barged his way past the 911's when it wasn't really safe and sat on my rear bumper, I eased off lightly and he overtook on what was effectively becoming a blind bend. I saw him do another couple of mad overtakes on the bendy section of road ahead and he disappeared into the distance.

Once the road straightened and the traffic thinned I upped my pace again and found the BMW plodding along on its own at about 15mph below the limit. Not quite sure how it was going to play out, I took a gamble and overtook once more. This time there were no repercussions, but a glance at the car showed a very disgruntled lady in the passenger seat, so I can guess what had been discussed in the last few miles...
Yep, all of the above.

Indicators and roundabouts are major offenders over here,
no-one seems to know (or care) how to use them, even the cops.

Got cut up by a bus coming off a roundabout this morning,
what's so hard?

Enter, go through, and leave the roundabout in the same lane!

Also courtesy leaves a lot to be desired - everybody coasts by
and takes up box junctions without even once looking to the side
to see if someone needs letting out.

Move out in front of them and they look at you like you just ran over a child!

Sweet lord, are we meant to be psychic or something??
People who take photos of you while driving! [;)]

Seriously though, tailgaters are the worst. I have been really tempted to get out at a junction and drag the buggers out of their cars and give them a slap. Do they never realise that you get to your distination NO quicker!? A drive is so much more relaxed when you drop off the car infront and not to mention safer.

People who intentionally use the wrong lane in city centres for the sole purpose of cutting you up.

Silver people carriers. They always seem to pull out right into my path without having looked to see if there was anything coming.

ORIGINAL: poprock

Silver people carriers. They always seem to pull out right into my path without having looked to see if there was anything coming.
More generally, ANY vehicle displaying something like this:


Such vehicles are usually people carriers, almost always driven by ethnic minorities and ALWAYS driven badly.

Sticker like this = keep clear.

I had the Ginsters pasty man right up my rear the other day whilst using his mobile phone. Wouldn't have minded so much but I had the 16 month old in the back seat at the time.
I written his reg down, got home then fired off an email to the King of the pasty makers!
It's the first time I've done this,but i'd had enough.

I got an apology, the driver got a warning & is being sent on a refresher course(apparently)

PS- No, I didn't get a years supply of pasties![&o]
If anyone has the temerity to lean on their horn I get out of my van and kick f--k out of them.
Crumbs! Amazing how a small comment can change your opinion of someone!

Beware. I am told (by a copper) that getting out of your car in a road-rage incident will probably lead to a ban if it can be proven. And if you drive a van for work, this could be bad news ...


ETA: I'm with you all the way on the using-the-wrong-lane-to-nip-in-front issue, Ian, particularly when there is a large queue in the lane you should be in and no-one at all in the other lane, and the guy at the head of the large queue is clearly going to take a long time to get moving ... it's only sensible use of road space, after all.


You knew I was kidding, Oli, right?? [8D]

I had a slight, sneaky feeling you might have been! Bar-steward! Got me good and proper! [:mad:]


My post was deleted by someone who completely failed to spot the ironic humour. Oh well....
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Drivers that keep a constant 40mph really wind me up. plodding along at 40 in a NSL then carry on at 40 through a 30 limit clearly not paying any attention.
Anyway is this Pistonheads?

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