Can I add a comment about the state of the roads in general?
Perhaps this leads to such selfish driving and cycling I have seen recently.
We pay billions in road tax, fuel duty, VAT and car taxes - and end up with road surfaces [paid for by the State to large companies which must make millions in profits in exchange for for poor workmanship and service] which would be a disgrace in Third World countries. Pot holes, perpetual road works with no one doing any work, badly sited traffic signs, a plethora of cameras, poor road markings - the list is almost endless.
If other countries can do so much better, why don't we copy them? Is there too much money for poor workmanship given to corporate friends of this Government?
Rant over. Will concentrate on those who cannot use the inside lane of an empty motorway, cannot indicate properly, ignore trafiic signs, oevertake on blind bends, cycle against traffic/pedestrians/the flow in one way streets/on the pavement etc.