Thanks to everyone who came alomng this weekend to Woodvale Rally, both as one of the band of helpers who were there both Saturday to erect and Sunday to man the stand, and take down at the end of the event, and to all entrants. Thanks to everyone who came along to the BBQ on Saturday evening, and to our magnificent chefs David & Mike. Thanks to all the ladies who served hot and cold drinks, Danish pastries, cakes and biscuits all weekend, and to everyone who made our many visitors to our display feel so welcome. Thanks to all your efforts in putting the themed display together of Porsche racing in 1961 and to everyone who dresssed in period costume. This tremendous effort from all our club members all weekend resulted in us winning 3rd place in the car club display, only beaten by our regular main competitors Leyland Mini Club (Runner Up ) and Land Rover (1st Place). Lets start planning what to do next year, it will soon be Woodvale 2012. Many thanks David