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Northern Cayman Meet


New member
Is there any precedent for a Cayman meet up North?

Would there be any interest. For something in the next few months.

I’m based in the North West near Chester but appreciate this is still ‘down south’ for some members.

There was a Caymans and Coffee morning a few weeks back down South so it would be good to have a similar sort of meeting for Northern members.

Would PCGB / the register support and help with this?

Interested in views / feedback.

I’m sure you’ll get the support of Cayman Register members if you organise a meeting, I’ve been delighted with the members support for my meetings in the south. I suggest that you choose a date and location, then inform the Cayman Register Secretary of your intentions (currently Kevan) and ask him to send out a MailChimp notification and wait for members to post on your thread indicating their participation.

I think it’s easier if you can find a location which requires no booking but which can handle up to 30 cars and 60 people, then you don’t have to worry about how many will turn up especially if the weather is poor. You might also decide to put a limit on the number of attendees as I did with my most recent meeting.

For one of my meetings in 2018 I did ask the club office to get involved as the venue I’d chosen had concerns over numbers. The office liaised with the venue and all worked out well, the club even sent Chris Sweeting with the club van and some club signage. I did ask the office if they could courier some signage for my most recent event but they declined due to cost, I would have had to collect from/return to the club office but that was too far for me to travel.

I hope you do manage to organise something, there’s definitely a demand for Cayman only events. Good luck.

Cheers for the feedback Andrew. I’ll start having a look for suitable venues / and possible dates.


Would definitely be interested - we are just over the border in R6.

I don't get the Cayman emails so something on the Forum as well would help.



Great idea; we don’t get too many such events in “the North“. It’s only when you start thinking about it that you realise just how big “the North” is. We’re 140 miles North of you - and still over 100 miles South of Berwick..

I may be speaking out of turn but it may be worth speaking to the Regional Organisers too. I feel sure that Greg and Deb Harm in R3 and Mike Trotter in R22 would be happy to spread the word amongst their members.

Look forward to seeing how this thread develops. It would obviously help, numbers wise, if this is arranged for warmer weather when everyone has their cars on the road.

I was looking at venues last night and TBH struggling a little with the Geography and where best to sort something. Obviously I know a few places like Llyn Brenig Reservoir Visitor Centre in Evo Triangle country could be ideal with plenty of parking and some nice roads around - just watch the average speed cameras ;-) (

But it still feels a little Southern / Westerly for some and something North East of Manchester possible in the South Yorkshire Dales allowing people to travel down a bit from 'way up North', or across from the East and even up from North/Central would be best.

But I'm not familiar with the areas so I'll get in touch with the Regions and see if they can suggest anything. It would be good to tie it in with some nice driving roads as well!!

I live in the middle of the country so Chester is about 80 miles from me and reasonable, I have run get togethers in Leeds and Duxford in the past to try and cover the country to some effect and run a trip to Stuttgart but have long promoted the idea of members doing something for Caymanites in their own areas, anywhere is a long way for the majority of members but there are a lot of Cayman register members in the midlands and throughout the north even if they only come from one county away in all directions to Chester area. Most venues attract about 20-25 Caymans and if you need any support in planning the event drop me an email or PM.

It may be sensible to have a 'Southern' North meet and a 'Northern' North meet. The Northern one could then possibly include Southern Scotland too.

GJH_987 said:
I was looking at venues last night and TBH struggling a little with the Geography and where best to sort something.

If you’re considering just a Coffee & Caymans type meet I’d suggest keeping it simple by choosing a location in an area you already know and which is convenient to you - it won’t suit everyone but may encourage someone else to organise something in their own preferred area on another occasion.

There are a number of Cayman and Boxster owners based in Region 5 that I know are keen to do more register events in the North / North West. Do please let me know if you arrange something and I will put them in touch with you.

in the meantime for those of you that are located in the North West, Region 5 have some excellent events and drives planned for this year, all models of Porsche’s are of course welcome. We have a Saturday morning drives WhatsApp group and regular hold early morning drives across some of the regions best roads followed by a catch up over a coffee and breakfast.

Hope to see you soon.

i almost put a submission in for register secretary on a platform of trying to encourage more club events North of the club house so this is a welcome post As mentioned above the Northen regions are very active and there’d be support as proven by the recent Boxster register meet held in R3.

I do think we need to be mindful of the size of the country tho...the Evo triangle was mentioned and to many that’s very much in the South. How about around the upper parts of the Dales, thinking maybe around Buttertubs, or what about the ‘Oopnurthring’ centered around S.Yorks which I’d probably say is in the middle of what i would call the Northern regions of the club, (in England at least)and pretty accessible rom the midlands up. If we include the Scottish regions the middle would be maybe around the Borders in the midst of R3.

Do we actually need a few smaller more local (maybe midlands/NW/NE) to build up some momentum?

I think a northern meet would be wonderful.

How about tagging on the meeting with the Cumbria R22 and Lancashire R18 joint event at the Total Retro Show on the 10th May which is near Kendal ?? Details can be found here: [link][/url]

I am sure if you contacted either RO (Mike or David) they would be most helpful.

"How about tagging on the meeting with the Cumbria R22 and Lancashire R18 joint event at the Total Retro Show on the 10th May which is near Kendal ??"

Well done, Peter, an excellent idea! A good (or as good as it gets) location for a lot of people "in the North".

You obviously have the inside line (as always) as I haven't seen anything on R18 or R22 about this yet. I assume this show is in place of the "Cumbria International Motor Show" which doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere this year?

I wonder what arrangements are being made for a PCGB 'paddock'?

GordonT said:
"How about tagging on the meeting with the Cumbria R22 and Lancashire R18 joint event at the Total Retro Show on the 10th May which is near Kendal ??"

Well done, Peter, an excellent idea! A good (or as good as it gets) location for a lot of people "in the North".

You obviously have the inside line (as always) as I haven't seen anything on R18 or R22 about this yet. I assume this show is in place of the "Cumbria International Motor Show" which doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere this year?

I wonder what arrangements are being made for a PCGB 'paddock'?

Yes the Cumbria International Motor Show is cancelled this year, but the club has a large area at this show to display as usual. The best person to chat with is the R22 RO Mike Trotter. I am helping with the show but Mike is i/c and I am sure he would be more than happy to chat.

Hi Peter,

Thanks for that, I’ll PM Mike and see if he feels he can cope with an influx of Caymans (or is it Caymen?!)

What do you think of this idea/location, Gary (GJH_987)?


When I got my first boxster I organized a 'Northern' meet through and chose an Porsche orientated event that was already scheduled. That being the Porsche RS track day at Oulton Park. Free entry, loads of space in the paddock to do a photo shoot, a decent cafe on site and Porsche action to watch on the track. Turned out to an excellent day out.

Hi I’m in the R5 region and would be interested in a Northern Cayman meet. In fact a few of us had a discussion about this at the last R5 meeting a lot of the Cayman meets are down south and we said a Northern one would be a good idea.

Hope to hear from you soon Paul

GJH_987 said:
I was looking at venues last night and TBH struggling a little with the Geography and where best to sort something. Obviously I know a few places like Llyn Brenig Reservoir Visitor Centre in Evo Triangle country could be ideal with plenty of parking and some nice roads around - just watch the average speed cameras ;-) (

But it still feels a little Southern / Westerly for some and something North East of Manchester possible in the South Yorkshire Dales allowing people to travel down a bit from 'way up North', or across from the East and even up from North/Central would be best.

But I'm not familiar with the areas so I'll get in touch with the Regions and see if they can suggest anything. It would be good to tie it in with some nice driving roads as well!!
Pondarosa is a good location with Cafe nice views etc


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