Step away from the keyboard. Read what you've just posted.
Understand how in others' eyes you may be deemed guilty of everything you're accusing others of being.
I don't slag people with rude insulting comments, I've only highlighted the bullies replies, not actually written what a bunch of To$%^ers they are, that's not allowed..
Take a deep breath. Turn the computer off. Resist the urge to carry this on.
It's a public forum, I have the right to defend myself from insults, start talking on topic for once and stop returning more personal attacks on my character
Seriously Roger, all jokes aside it's in the best interests of the wider forum and community that this stops now.
It's no fun seeing every thread populated by various permutations of the same stuff, we have a great vibrant community here that accepts everyone and embraces diversity (even Simon).
It's no Joke, or fun is it? a community that accepts everyone and diversity ? I think not..
By (perhaps unwittingly) spamming up every thread it suffocates the people who may post up the odd question or response - not everyone has as much time to spend on here as you - this can mean that we are missing out on individual contributions as people don't want to be questioned to the nth degree or brusquely challenged.
It shouldn't be difficult to discuss technical subjects, but a select few don't do that,
(Look back at the posts I've mentioned, then tell me they are not provoking members to reply)
Some members disagree with something I've written and then not only blank any further replies with wording such as "Period" and "full stop" and I'm not discussing it anymore etc...but then proceed to throw personal insults , nobody wants or needs to be questioned to the nth degree but if somebody declares something that need further investigation why should this be such an issue? It's called a adult discussion, but this is clearly not possible for some...
Try to turn up the helpful side a bit, as you obviously are knowledgeable about some subjects, but maybe think about how things can come across in the written word and turn the abrasiveness and self-righteousness down a tad.
Helpful !!! now that's a joke what par of Helpful is this personal abuse ?
I'm sure that you're a fascinating guy to chat to over a brew and a 4-post ramp and I'm equally sure that you wouldnt be as direct and obtuse in a room full of strangers. I'm sure we'll catch up at a meet at some point and may actually get on - and if not I'll be effusively polite about it with a warm smile. (I may also slip a Camembert under your passenger seat though - revenge is a dish best served pungently)
I don't have any desire at all to meet anyone of this nature.