Excellent! You will not regret it
Warning. Significant others of the female variety will need strong constitutions. (Mind you others will have more informed views on PCGB site which I presume is rather better than the public sites)
If you're based in Dorset, you'll be on a ferry?.The ferry routes get full up quite early - It's the return date that's the key. Eurotunnel is more flexible, miss it and just wait for the next one - Tunnel a couple of hours, ferry, next day....
Never used the grandstands, but 'must see' include:
The Museum at the main entrance, likewise.
This is the map to get - http://www.city-map-guide.com/map-guide-le-mans.htm
Some say it's worth joining the ACO as you gain access to their clubhouse including grandstand at the pit exit
2009 will be my 18th year. '91 was the 1st year and I will never forget the sound of Johnny Herbert's Mazda [8|]
Warning. Significant others of the female variety will need strong constitutions. (Mind you others will have more informed views on PCGB site which I presume is rather better than the public sites)
If you're based in Dorset, you'll be on a ferry?.The ferry routes get full up quite early - It's the return date that's the key. Eurotunnel is more flexible, miss it and just wait for the next one - Tunnel a couple of hours, ferry, next day....
Never used the grandstands, but 'must see' include:
- The start (your general admission ticket will gain you access to standing areas, but be there early)
- The Mulsanne corner - Busses will get you there if you caint drive.
- The pits at night - Your Startline position should give a reasonable view, or a tribune ticket will look down from above on the inside of the circuit.
- Drivers Parade - Friday afternoon in the town centre - Do it once to see if it is your thing. DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE - I've never been so thankful I only had Diet Coke - Pretty car = Pull.
The Museum at the main entrance, likewise.
This is the map to get - http://www.city-map-guide.com/map-guide-le-mans.htm
Some say it's worth joining the ACO as you gain access to their clubhouse including grandstand at the pit exit
2009 will be my 18th year. '91 was the 1st year and I will never forget the sound of Johnny Herbert's Mazda [8|]