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986 v 981

Derek thanks for putting a word in for us Poor Men. Of course one of the key issues, whether or not one is financially challenged, is to be able to differentiate between cost and value. In that regard I posit that the purchase of a 981 speaks for itself.

Now about George only putting poor people's benefits up by 1%, how will we manage?..........[:(]

ORIGINAL: rob.kellock

Spyder wins.

End of!

Each to his own. Personally, I'm not keen to lose my hood at 80 mph [:D]

Actually, I do recall an EVO article comparing a pre-owned Ferrari 360 Spider v new Posrche Boxster Spider. Guess what won?

ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

ORIGINAL: max911

it wasnt my comment about the poor man's porsche, i did actually say "unfortunately", maybe I over-reacted

yea max is my real name but i dont believe in "dereksharpuk" , is that real ???

in fact I have owned a couple of boxsters and then a TT , and I know you will all laugh, but i actually preferred the TT

this wasnt meant to flame anyone, if you can afford a 458 then you will always buy one over the boxster and maybe throw in a couple of boxsters with it

sorry if I took offence to someone criticising my nice new 458 , it sings like a humming bird, and I am truly in love with it

so the answer to the question "who on earth would buy one?" , well its me

and I still have a Boxster and a TT in the garage , so please dont criticise me too harshly

Max, good of you to apologise, and I'm sure I speak for all Boxster aficionados that you are forgiven. It was a brave move to enter the Lion's Den and slag us off.

However, to reply to a few of your comments:

Yes, my real name is indeed Derek Sharp, and like many petrolheads, I have owned Ferraris. I have not, however, owned a 458, but, apart from other Ferrari's, I have had two 430 Spiders. Great cars. Moreover, I have driven the 458 Spider and extensively the 458 Italia. I loved them both. My point? Well you state ' if you can afford a 458 then you will always buy one over the boxster . I, and others disagree. Some of us can afford a 458, but decline to buy one, so your statement 'you will always' is incorrect.

Why do I, and others, not buy one? Well, it you read carefully what has been said on this forum, the 981 Boxster does it all! No need to spend ÂŁ230K. Save your money for other things like an aeroplane or some liquorice allsorts.

But what about a 458? How did I find it? I have driven one many miles; not just one hour of testing. It is a wonderful machine, it blew my mind away. I can afford to buy one. So why did I not? Partly for the same reason I am not going to buy another 911 Cab. I would rather spend the spare money on something else, as the Boxster does it all.

But the main reason is that the 458 is just too big! Too big for my garage, too big for many of the UK roads. Moreover, it is far too precious; one cannot take it everywhere and leave it. It gets far too much attention. After a while that flattery wears off. Furthermore, it is a bit like a Sony Playstation... heaps of gizmos and is, IMHO, far less involving than it's predecessor, the 430. And there is the rub; do we buy cars for the fun we have in driving them, or do we buy them for speed or image?

Each to his own [:D]

yea i have to agree it is a might too big , and i have sadly clipped it a few times, and the result even bigger repair bills
Are people seriously comparing a 458 to a Boxster and concluding the 458 is not the immeasurably better car?
Have a go in both, and the you'll realise the comparison is laughable. (I have)

Start introducing factors such as practicality - whether or not it fits in your garage, does X MPG etc into the equation and you'll be bending the definition of 'Better' into a personal one. Go on an MX5 forum and you'll read the same kind of stuff about ÂŁ60k Boxters and how they're not 'Better' than MX5s. Hell, the MX5 is therefore a 'Better' car than a Pagani Zonda on all these counts.

The Boxster is an amazing car, the best ÂŁ for ÂŁ car that Porsche makes, but lets get a grip here.

ORIGINAL: Rodney Naghar

Start introducing factors such as practicality - whether or not it fits in your garage, does X MPG etc into the equation and you'll be bending the definition of 'Better' into a personal one. Go on an MX5 forum and you'll read the same kind of stuff about ÂŁ60k Boxters and how they're not 'Better' than MX5s. Hell, the MX5 is therefore a 'Better' car than a Pagani Zonda on all these counts.

The Boxster is an amazing car, the best ÂŁ for ÂŁ car that Porsche makes, but lets get a grip here.

Yes, this is a totally personal decision; each to his own.

If I owned a huge barn, did not live in an area with rutted narrow roads and was not interested the cost of things I might buy a 458 Spider .... great car. But sadly I would rather spend my money on other things (a personal choice), do live in an area of narrow rutted roads and do not own an aircraft hanger. [:D]

That said, though an MX5 is great value for money, I don't want one [:D]

Just my personal views!
Have to largely agree with Derek, yes I could afford a ÂŁ200k car , but after having owned many cars over the years getting near to that value I have to state most did 400-500 miles a year , my 981s is 1 month old and done 900 mies!

Think really that says it all , ie: I am enjoying using it more than other cars, job done !

ORIGINAL: mnk303

Have to largely agree with Derek, yes I could afford a ÂŁ200k car , but after having owned many cars over the years getting near to that value I have to state most did 400-500 miles a year , my 981s is 1 month old and done 900 mies!

Think really that says it all , ie: I am enjoying using it more than other cars, job done !

Obviously a man of taste, agreeing with me [:D]

But seriously, Martin makes a valid point. If you own a supercar, you should really drive it every week. My last Ferrari, previous to me, had been driven just 1000 miles in 5 years and when I purchased it, the vehicle needed lots of attention. I vowed to drive it every week, but was thwarted by wet days, copius cow pooh on the road and snow/ice. I got fed up pulling over onto the grass verge on my narrow track road because lady drivers on the school run in their huge 4x4s would not.

In the end the Ferrari went to someone who would use it every day. But I bet they don't
Derek according to this head of R&D you and me are buying the wrong model Porsche [:D]

Personally I think he is thinking of the extra profit margin as much as the extra 2 chairs :ROFLMAO:

PH has been chatting to a lot of senior Porsche folk of late but having focused on design Harris has been talking engineering with head of research and development Wolfgang Hatz on the LA show stand on which the new Cayman was unveiled. Hatz's past CV includes spells at BMW Motorsport, a move to Porsche for F1 engine development in 1989, Technical Director at Opel's motorsport division and then serving as head of engines and transmission development at Audi before expanding this role to the whole VW group in 2007. He's been the Porsche board member in charge of R&D since 2011.

Cayman versus 911 - is themomentum shifting towards theBoxster/Cayman?

"I have to say I was aware of this in Geneva when we launched the Boxster, but I think the 911 is something different because it is a 2+2. I am a fan of both cars but when I have a choice of which I would have as a first car, it would always be a 911. I drive a lot and 90 per cent of the time I use a 911.

I had a Boxster in the summer, my wife didn't like the Boxster before because she doesn't like 'female' cars, but she likes the new Boxster.

"Basically, I see the Boxster/Cayman as a second car, and as an entry point for people coming to our brand, but the 911 is a first car. But I have to say that I like the Cayman very much."

"I think the 911 is something different because it is a 2+2."

2 + 2 adults: 100 metres down to the pub.

2 + 2 children/legless dwarfs: 10 miles max (I can't see out Dad / Dad, I feel sick).

2 + luggage: that'll be a Boxster/Cayman then.

Do you think that the head of R&D at Porsche's choice of a 911 (at ÂŁ105K for the Cab) over a Boxster at (ÂŁ40K) has anything to do with the fact that he gets his car for free?

I have driven both back to back and I know what I prefer [:D]

So now what do I do with the ÂŁ65K I saved? [;)]

I know, if I need 4 seats, full full seats, then I should buy two Boxsters and still have ÂŁ25K change [:D]
ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

Actually, I do recall an EVO article comparing a pre-owned Ferrari 360 Spider v new Posrche Boxster Spider. Guess what won?

Was the Fiat wasn't it? [:D] Boxster was a super car but the Ferrari a supercar? Not really comparing apples with apples but I do remember reading the article.

Your talk of buying 2 Boxsters reminds me of a great story from one of our local solicitors who is a bit of a character.

Back in the day, his wife had recently given birth to twin girls and he went out and bought himself a black Ferrari Testarossa. His wife went beserk - "Why on earth have you bought a car with only 2 seats?" His reply: "Because they don't make them with only one seat". True story, needless to say he is divorced now!
ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

One of the best Porsches I ever owned was my 1997 2.5 Boxster, purchased new.

However, my new Boxster is arriving complete with:

1. Just a 2.7, alcantara, 18" wheels and steel springs! Cos I'm poor.
2. Racing yellow. You will see me coming.
3. PDK with floppy paddles. I simple love it.
4. Heated seats. A must.
5. Park assist front & rear. They will pay for themselves.
6. Bluetooth. To save my licence.
7. Sports tail pipe. Cos I can.
8. Wind deflector. Why on earth is that not standard?
9. Cruise, cos I'm old.
10. Sound package +. Cos I have to.
11. PCM, cos at last it has full postcode [:D]

All that for tuppence three farthings [;)]

hang on a minute ....

"1. Just a 2.7, alcantara, 18" wheels and steel springs! Cos I'm poor."

come on can afford a 458.. so get a few more bells and whistles



ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

ORIGINAL: max911

come on can afford a 458.. so get a few more bells and whistles

Why? [;)]

So the dealer principle and salesman will have a better pay packet and you can do even MORE money come re-sell time [:D]

Big discussion on this subject over on [&:]

ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

ORIGINAL: max911

come on can afford a 458.. so get a few more bells and whistles

Why? [;)]

well why not ? ,enjoy yourself with those little luxuries in life, for any man who can afford a 458 , tis but chicken-feed !!

and besides we only live once

ORIGINAL: max911

ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

ORIGINAL: max911

come on can afford a 458.. so get a few more bells and whistles

Why? [;)]

well why not ? ,enjoy yourself with those little luxuries in life, for any man who can afford a 458 , tis but chicken-feed !!

Max, you keep missing the point!

You obviously do not understand me, but actually I do enjoy the Boxster more than a 458! If you read the previous, you will understand why..

With a Boxster, I can drive it every day. I will enjoy it. And I am not alone in thinking that. It has been voted Best Ever Roadster!

If I had a 458 Spider (or even my 430 Spider) in my garage, it would stay there. You have admittted that your 458 is too big. Quote:

i have to agree it is a might too big , and i have sadly clipped it a few times, and the result even bigger repair bills

Actually, I have better things to spend my money on that repairing damage on my Ferrari. Every time I damaged it I would be heartbroken.

However, as we are discussing extras fitted to a Porsche Boxster, might I ask what spec you would have, and why

ORIGINAL: max911

come on can afford a 458.. so get a few more bells and whistles

max911 if you checkout this nearly new mega spec 981 on the actual dealers website and consider the hit it has taken why waste money on bells & whistles unless you really want them for your own amusement and fun [;)]
ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

ORIGINAL: max911

ORIGINAL: dereksharpuk

ORIGINAL: max911

come on can afford a 458.. so get a few more bells and whistles

Why? [;)]

well why not ? ,enjoy yourself with those little luxuries in life, for any man who can afford a 458 , tis but chicken-feed !!

Max, you keep missing the point!

You obviously do not understand me, but actually I do enjoy the Boxster more than a 458! If you read the previous, you will understand why..

With a Boxster, I can drive it every day. I will enjoy it. And I am not alone in thinking that. It has been voted Best Ever Roadster!

If I had a 458 Spider (or even my 430 Spider) in my garage, it would stay there. You have admittted that your 458 is too big. Quote:

i have to agree it is a might too big , and i have sadly clipped it a few times, and the result even bigger repair bills

Actually, I have better things to spend my money on that repairing damage on my Ferrari. Every time I damaged it I would be heartbroken.

However, as we are discussing extras fitted to a Porsche Boxster, might I ask what spec you would have, and why

it just seems a little inconsistent being able to buy a 458 , yet skimping on the poor old boxster

if I were buying a new boxster within next year ...easy choice would be the "s" with optional sports suspension kit.. nuff said.. it is a beauty

and the reason ..simple.. because I.....:p like it hard

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