Thanks for sharing a bit of your Porsche ownership story and posting the pics it brightened up things a bit on a pretty foul weather day here..(-:
Having enjoyed a month or so of rain and frost, yesterday afternoon arrived after much rain ensuring all the salt would be now down the drains , the winds had dried things up, time to fire the old 991 up and head out for a short run (circa 30 miles) just enough miles to warm the engine and oil temp up to normal levels and enjoy an occasional squirt on stretches of country road when I found them traffic free. I do like to get it out at least once a month in the Winter just to give it a bit of exercise to hopefully stop things seizing up. A little run does me the world of good too..(-: Yeah these days I am a low mileage Porsche owner.
Always good to read of the way others can enjoy their Porsches.