Hi folks! Back again. I should of really waited for the weekend before starting this thread as, I am mental busy at work at the
moment and, haven't had much time this week so, appy-poly-logies for the delay in my responding to the most welcome
comments posted [

]. Your posts have been many and varied but, also most re-assuring in the fact that they all convey the same
message [

]. When Sarah bought me the 944 Turbo for my birthday, I didn't really know much about them other than, we both
loved the sleek, "Lean and Mean" look of them (some more than others) and, I watched one at a track day at Brands hatch
(a White Turbo), and he was totally devastating the entire field, session after session [8D]!! That got me very interested indeed
and, I started to read up on them to find out more about them and their capabilities. I watched many "You Tube" clips of them
racing (and winning)and, decided I would like to try one for myself. It took a few months of trawling all the usual performance car
web sites and, magazines before I found Him, living in Scotland. Long story short, Sarah saw me looking at the pictures of Him
over the course of a couple of weeks, took the bull by the horns and bought Him for my birthday [8D].....Job Done!!
Fast forward to recent times. This is a fantastic forum (the 944 section) and, I have made some great friends and aquaintances.
I love spending money on old cars, modifying them, making them go faster, handle better etc. I have done that since I first passed
my driving test and, will continue to do so. I wont change [8|]. Just a couple of gripes in that there are not many 944's in this
neck of the woods, not many meets (locally, in the evenings)and, far too many "pompous old git's and, chinless wonders" driving
around Sussex in brand new 997 cab's with their noses stuck up their own ar5e5 [

] and, the fact that all of you on here are
based too far away for evening meets and, that is really what I like to do. I think it's fantastic that you are all so passionate about
these lovely old cars, I feel the same, just wish there was more going on down this way 944 wise is all. I have had a few
comments on a couple of my sites from the guys (obviously dinlo's that know no better) saying things like "poor man's Porsche"
and "when are you going to get a real Porsche", 5h1t like that. I must say that it starts to get on one's t1t5 after a while [

I have always been a Porsche fan (even when I was tuning the nuts off my Skyline [8D]), I have supported them for many years
at Le Mans (GT 2 class) and, always said that one day I would own a 993 GT2 [8D][

]. The odds on that now are Zilch [

] so,
I guess my Black 944 Turbo will have to suffice [

]! Cheers Guys.