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Be careful on the A64 a plod with a liking for Porkers


New member
Watch out boys on the A64 we have a copper ferrying vehicle inspectors up and down and he seems to have a liking for Porkers, the newer the better. He has a tyre fetish. He did some monster overtaking maneuvers to catch me on the 3rd April this year.

Mind you in all fairness we did match the Police profile. Late fifties well dressed taxed insured in a nearly new 997 Turbo. Oh he checked my lights too, very helpful.

I have run a more sarcastic post on pissed up heads, with full detail its under" Plod having a laugh".[;)]
Its more interesting to check out a new porsche than some old "banger" - the A64 has the largest number of police cars in this area - can see at least four in 40 miles! after travelling up and down the country - no fixed cameras yet - so have to be on the lookout all the time and watch your speedo with the danger of not paying attention to other drivers.


ORIGINAL: john holmes

Its more interesting to check out a new porsche than some old "banger" - the A64 has the largest number of police cars in this area - can see at least four in 40 miles! after travelling up and down the country - no fixed cameras yet - so have to be on the lookout all the time and watch your speedo with the danger of not paying attention to other drivers.


Agree John, its a very unpleasant bit of highway, and being stopped on a bit that was not a proper layby , plod was being particularly stupid that day (over excited) he had worked him self into a Bill moment. The traffic was extremely heavy he put not only his self in jeopardy but the engineers my wife and I. It was not the police's finest hour. [8|]
I wonder what offences you may be found guilty of if you continue to drive to a safer location before stopping... probably perverting the course of justice or something equally rediculous.
Last year my brother was stopped in a Diablo. The policeman breathalysed him and his pasenger and then asked to sit in the car!
I was stopped for having a sidelight out. I carry spares and replacement is a two minute job. The officer said it would be toodangerous to changethe lamp at the side of the road (where he had pulled my over) and ordered me to take the car to a garage for the replacement and havethem fill in the slip and produce this as evidence of the repair at the local police station. Kindly, he gave me a choice of police station.
Sorry to hijack your thread... but feel better forgetting that off my chest.
I am appalled at your experiences, but unfortunately not surprised the standard of Policing like most things in this country have gone down the drain. Constant pillaring of sports and performance cars by our elected leaders is now affecting the judgment of our public servants. [8|]
Why not be brave and drop Chief Constable a letter?

It does not appear to be an isolated incident and as to puuting you and your wife in danger wonder what his reply would be?


Why not be brave and drop Chief Constable a letter?

It does not appear to be an isolated incident and as to puuting you and your wife in danger wonder what his reply would be?

Good idea:

Complaints and Professional Standards Department,
Police Headquarters,
Newby Wiske Hall,
North Yorkshire,
7th April 2008

Dear Sir's,

We are writing to complain about an incident on the 3rd April 2008 on the A64 near York. We were stopped by a Police Patrol car for a tyre and light check. At approximately 10.45am we joined the A 64 from a slip road after a mid morning coffee stop. On our left was a Police Volvo estate-car parked on the slip road, we had seen this vehicle earlier in a lay-by and the occupants appeared to be conducting a inspection of a commercial vehicle.

We joined the carriage way and proceeded towards the East coast, at approximately 1/4 mile we observed the Police car pull out and at what seemed like high speed started to overtake other vehicles. and within 3 to 4 minutes pulled in behind us The only place at that time was a run off into a private property. I was extremely concerned about the actual stopping site as it was not a designated lay-by, very short in length and very close to the highway, which was carrying heavy speeding traffic at that time.

I immediately got out of my car and approached the driver of the police car who by this time was opening his door with a leather file in his hand I presume a fixed penalty ticket holder. I asked him why had he stopped us, his reply Tyre Check. Another person I presume a engineer got out of the passenger side and started to inspect the tyres on my 3 month old Porsche which during the time has covered a little less than 700 miles. A light check followed, only the rear lights which might explain the plethora of vehicles we observe on a daily basis with one headlight.

During the inspection my wife asked the police officer on four occasions, on what grounds did he feel that our car should have been stopped, when the manner of driving had given no reason to draw attention. I put it to the officer that the only reason for his interest was the car was a high performance vehicle painted in yellow. He said that was not the case but did not offer another explanation.

The crux of our complaint is a stop by a Police Officer on the grounds of vehicle type and not manner of driving or any other mitigating circumstances. The actually site of the stop which would may be have been suitable for a getaway car but not a spurious reason given by the officer, also his attitude which was confrontational and rude. His refusal to write down his name and police number on my wife's request so that our complaint could be factual.

We have great respect for the Police and as such, despite having a high performance car for some 30 years, have had no reason to have any contact with traffic police. It is very disappointing that when contact is made, it had to be in the manner as we describe.

When we now see a Traffic Police on patrol our immediate reaction is less than positive.

Yours faithfully

Graham & Maureen Munro
Nice one!

Interestingly I've heard of someone in a similarly distinctive car being pulled by an unmarked car for speeding and on the video being shown to him in police car several cars are seen passing him at a higher speed!
Did you not get his reg no;the driver would be traceable from that because he would be logged out to a specific car.If you use the road on a regular basis,beware of more stopping.
It seems to be some sort of peception factor with some Plod in respect of certain cars.

Back in the early eighties I drove a Lotus Elite 504 and I was stopped countless times, breatherlised twice and booked quite fairly at 130.

After I sold the vehicle I switched to Mercedes and for 25 years I did not get a single tug even in an AMG SL55.

To date I have not had a tug in a Porsche but I am waiting.[:)]

The previous post was mine! My Son in law logged onto the website on my computer and did not log out !

Here is a repeat!

It seems to be some sort of peception factor with some Plod in respect of certain cars.

Back in the early eighties I drove a Lotus Elite 504 and I was stopped countless times, breatherlised twice and booked quite fairly at 130.

After I sold the vehicle I switched to Mercedes and for 25 years I did not get a single tug even in an AMG SL55.

To date I have not had a tug in a Porsche but I am waiting.[:)]


The previous post was mine! My Son in law logged onto the website on my computer and did not log out !

Here is a repeat!

It seems to be some sort of peception factor with some Plod in respect of certain cars.

Back in the early eighties I drove a Lotus Elite 504 and I was stopped countless times, breatherlised twice and booked quite fairly at 130.

After I sold the vehicle I switched to Mercedes and for 25 years I did not get a single tug even in an AMG SL55.

To date I have not had a tug in a Porsche but I am waiting.[:)]

To be fair to plod, the speed yellow is a bit of a pull. real easy to pick out and follow in heavy traffic. So I hold my hands up to being a flash git [:D]
yeah the bastards pulled me last week...3 points £60 fine.... tried tugging me ...i said try that again i'll have you for sexual harassment

take a couple of pictures with your fone camera and contact a newspaper see if they would run a story. That might bring a load more contacts and lead to an enquiry.

Policing in this country is rubbish. They don't come out to your house if you are mugged or burgled but motorists are easy game to keep the statistics high .
More rants about the police........Yawn......
Sadly though there are a few points I have to agree with. I often don't tow the party line and am perhaps not stereo typical of a bobby in uniform, I live an everyday life, like fast cars, bikes, beer and women and think that the country is going to pot.
A few things to remember though and I'm going to look at both sides of coin here and be as objective as I can. The common garden bobby likes shiney things so sport cars will have attention paid to them. Secretly some bobbies might want it to fail to stop so they can play. Deeper thinking bobbies know that there is a lot of dirty money about and a traffic stop is an excellent way of gathering intelligence. That is not to say every one who has worked hard for their possessions is a criminal. However my experience tells me that a significant number are. There is no excuse for rudeness and the police are paid to behave in a suitable manner but behaviour breeds behaviour. If I am spoken to in a condesending manner by porsche driver who thinks he is better than me and earns earns more money (and a disappointing number of people conduct themselves in this amusing manner) don't be surprised if my response is "My number is on my shoulder and I can stop any motor vehicle owing to its presence on a road , I don't need any other reason". And a ticket or producer will probably follow. Quite rude but true.
I play by big boys rules, if I speed I may get done. I don't bitch about it, if I don't like it I don't do it.
Anyway enough of the world according to me (I'm not full of my own self importance anyway!). The flip side of this and there are many like me, is that you may be stopped in a perfomance car at excess speed and after a friendly chat and a bit of "advice" be let go on your way. Again on the flip side of the coin I had the misfortune to have to look into the yonder the other night in the early hours as a colleage gave an old man a breath test, producer and lengthy advice about use of fog lights at 0130 hrs in the middle of no where (yes rural policing, do I sound like I'm on the defensive?) The bloke couldnt catch a cold let alone a criminal...... Some of us though really do work hard to catch criminals and put ourselves in harms way to do so, two arrested last night fleeing a burglary whilst single crewed for example. My point is balanced I think. People are quick to write lengthy letters when they don' t like something but despite all good intentions when they get good service some how never get around to it. Be flattered they paid you the attention, they are probably admiring your car!
Any stop for a spurious purpose or to satisfy some sort of envy as described above, is an abuse and candidly should not be tolerated. The police, who are servants of the State not the its masters, are regrettably suffering from a lack of public confidence at the moment. Motorists particularly do not see them as their friend and protector.

The association of police with speed cameras both static and concealed in plain white vans ( or in anonymous grey Land Rovers if you live in Brundstroms patch ) has been disastrous in terms of public perception.

I don't know what the way out of this is and I certainly would not want to be a policeman of any type at the moment as it is clearly a highly stressful and thankless job. Robbosliding takes a balanced view of the situation but even he admits that abuses take place.

What is certain is that actions which alienate law abiding citizens will not help and will only deepen the divide.


ORIGINAL: gresley

Any stop for a spurious purpose or to satisfy some sort of envy as described above, is an abuse and candidly should not be tolerated. The police, who are servants of the State not the its masters, are regrettably suffering from a lack of public confidence at the moment. Motorists particularly do not see them as their friend and protector.

The association of police with speed cameras both static and concealed in plain white vans ( or in anonymous grey Land Rovers if you live in Brundstroms patch ) has been disastrous in terms of public perception.

I don't know what the way out of this is and I certainly would not want to be a policeman of any type at the moment as it is clearly a highly stressful and thankless job. Robbosliding takes a balanced view of the situation but even he admits that abuses take place.

What is certain is that actions which alienate law abiding citizens will not help and will only deepen the divide.


Extremely well put Andrew, I am the other side of sixty being driving since 18 never had a problem with the police. I have a incident as described and post it on a web site for opinion and get response from others with similar experience's. I might add that the BiBs on P/H have attacked me in droves. Throwing my toys out the pram , flash git with chip on shoulder are some of the comments and many negative references to the car.

Our perception of traffic police has taken a serious knock, and when we see one parked or on patrol we are very apprehensive. I am old enough in the tooth to realise its only a small minority of traffic officers, but the senior officers should be vigilant to there actions.

Lets hope the scrota of society keep them busy so I can enjoy my final motoring years in peace either that sell the Porker and ride round in the diesel Mini [:mad:] Now let me see where is that French property brochure [;)]
Thank you for your comment Marlin.

Your circumstances mirror mine in age and motoring experience and it is extremely regrettable that you have incurred negative comment on a sister site. No one, and I repeat no one, should condone unfair or discriminatory practice by any agent of the state ( or anyone else come to that ! ). We are fortunate to have liberties in this country which have been painfully earned - allowing them to be eroded or even suggesting that this erosion is acceptable, as seems to be the case on the PH site, shows a level of contempt for this country and its law abiding citizens.

Oration over!

Don't go to France - their chauvinism ( though well founded ) can be insufferable.


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