New member
Then I took the pads to a bench grinder and gave them a wee grind down either side and they then went in with ok'ish.
Consider this also even with new pads and refurbished calipers.
Even if the pads and seats are ok, if the pads are an interference fit ie; move but keep contact with the sliding surfaces then what happens when they (and the caliper) get hot and expand!
Not all pads are manufactured mm perfect so if I dont have free movement when cold I run a mini grinder along the contact surfaces of the pads until they run truly free. I also round off the edges a little with just a glance from the grinder. This can sometimes increase squeal a little unsprung pads but when on track or hustling on a road it does allow the pads to `relax` properly away from the disc. I also use coppergrease on the bearing and sliding surfaces. The solvent burns off and leaves a lubricating film of copper.
Mono block caliper pinned only pads can be heard rattling. If I took the tension springs off my Golfs fronts they would rattle also. I prefer the pads to be loose when cold.