ORIGINAL: diabloam
Great read this post, I thrashed and scrapped several 2door Mk2 escorts in my younger years and oh how I wish I just stuck them all in a barn somewhere, they are rot boxes totally and were not in the same league as a 944 when new never mind when old. But now even a rotten 2door mk2 shell fetches silly money. They are either bought by idiots who will spend crazy money on them restoring them (have you seen the prices genuine panles can go for now also) or the good guys use them for rallying. Also remember pulling out of buying an integrale evo2 for cheap years back (anybody seen the prices of good ones of these lately - crazy) and regretted it, defo missed the boat a few times in terms of keeping future classics and selling them when they have bottomed out. Same with pug 205gtis, had few of them (think prices on these have started climbing now also). Bet everybody regrets not holding on to car after selling it at wrong time, lol.
On the subject of MOTs, I've being going to same place for over ten years now and guy still says from time to time I'll give you a pass but sort such and such when you get a chance. What happens then (obviously depending on what it is) is I am fixing whatever he mentioned a week before I go down for the following years MOT, lol, so I dont fall out with him, lol. Great post guys, loadsa good points.
Another question, for a change I am going to hang onto my 86 turbo and hopefully this time I might miss the bottoming out of values and actually have a car that is going to rise in value. Is the 944 going to be future classsic and will values rise accordingly, hoping so as mine is an early turbo which is now in great shape and still sub 100k miles. Or are they just going to leve and stay put? These things are genuinelly hard to predict, whats the consensus?
Given your history, they should go up in value just after you have sold the 220