Hi Dan,
Without Prejudice
In the beginning I have always thought that as long as Porsche UK cover the cost of replacing these filters free of charge then we should have no need to go public.
Every case I have dealt with, they have eventually covered the cost, its not been easy, but with the GPF data information we have collected along the way its really helped.
We now know, and the dealers and Porsche know, that the original diagnosis on replacing these filters was incorrect, because the cars fitted with new filters are coming back with the same fault.
Currently we have several cars at the dealers that are having further investigations on the engines to look for possible oil contamination to support the high oil ash levels in the new filters. And from what I am hearing they are struggling to find a definitive fault, again positive news.
The only thing I would add to this is do not dismiss the AOS function on these cars, they need to be checked by the dealers more often.
To me its only a matter of time now after all this unnecessary work as been carried out, that Porsche will realise this is a software issue that needs immediate attention.
Its always been my intention to publish as much technical information has I could to help our owners and Porsche to get to a resolution quickly.
We now have the evidence to confirm that the incorrect oil used and the driving style excuses have no bearing on this problem.
And hopefully the dealers will stop embarrassing themselves by not even mentioning these excuses for the failures.
We need to protect the integrity of these vehicles, restore confidence in these cars, and fix these cars, because their is nothing out there that can equal the driving experience that these cars can give our owners.
I believe we are at a point now where after all the hard work that has been done, and the time spent, we could be closer to a resolution, we just need Porsche Technical to look at the software.
If you would like to be the person that contacts the motoring press then its up to you, I certainly will not be doing that.
Without Prejudice
In the beginning I have always thought that as long as Porsche UK cover the cost of replacing these filters free of charge then we should have no need to go public.
Every case I have dealt with, they have eventually covered the cost, its not been easy, but with the GPF data information we have collected along the way its really helped.
We now know, and the dealers and Porsche know, that the original diagnosis on replacing these filters was incorrect, because the cars fitted with new filters are coming back with the same fault.
Currently we have several cars at the dealers that are having further investigations on the engines to look for possible oil contamination to support the high oil ash levels in the new filters. And from what I am hearing they are struggling to find a definitive fault, again positive news.
The only thing I would add to this is do not dismiss the AOS function on these cars, they need to be checked by the dealers more often.
To me its only a matter of time now after all this unnecessary work as been carried out, that Porsche will realise this is a software issue that needs immediate attention.
Its always been my intention to publish as much technical information has I could to help our owners and Porsche to get to a resolution quickly.
We now have the evidence to confirm that the incorrect oil used and the driving style excuses have no bearing on this problem.
And hopefully the dealers will stop embarrassing themselves by not even mentioning these excuses for the failures.
We need to protect the integrity of these vehicles, restore confidence in these cars, and fix these cars, because their is nothing out there that can equal the driving experience that these cars can give our owners.
I believe we are at a point now where after all the hard work that has been done, and the time spent, we could be closer to a resolution, we just need Porsche Technical to look at the software.
If you would like to be the person that contacts the motoring press then its up to you, I certainly will not be doing that.