That second link (which shows for a 968 with variable cam timing) shows the chain having different coloured links in order to time the cams, not because they're split. I'll give a definite answer when I've got time to get my cam cover off again but I'm thinking the chain isn't split-able.
My course of action is going to be to inspect the cam teeth and chain very carefully, looking for excessive wear. I've already changed the top tensioner pad and have checked my tensioner. My top pad showed slight wear grooves but was not cracked or brittle after 140k. It was very discoloured however (yellow while the new one is white) so this may be a good indication of whether your pad has been changed at any point.
I inspected the lower pad at the same time I changed the top one and it didn't show any wear like the top one. I think the design is such that it's not subject to much force since the 'tight' side of the chain is at the bottom and the pad is simply a guide if the chain flops about. IIRC the lower pad is not available separately from the tensioner itself, which is quite expensive. Given that the whole lot can be checked inside an hour, periodic inspection of the whole lot isn't unreasonable to include as a part of a service.
If the cam teeth are starting to wear it's not necessarily a good idea to replace just the chain as both will have worn into each other. Changing the chain could accelerate wear of the cam teeth or could lead to the chain not disengaging with the sprocket teeth properly.