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Clear Away the Cobwebs Sunday 2nd April 2023


PCGB Member
Our opening drive will take you South of the Region, with an aim to share a few of the exhilarating and unspoilt driving roads that the North East & Yorkshire has on offer. Deb & I have always relished the task of creating a Cobwebs route and jumped at the chance to do one again this year after a two-year absence. We hope to deliver you not just a fun and memorable experience but essentially one you can enjoy at your own pace as the route steers you through some stunning areas of outstanding beauty and incorporates not one, but two of a certain Mr Clarkson’s favourite British driving roads the Stang and Buttertubs Pass.

We have scheduled our start from the ever-popular Cross Lanes Organic Farm & Restaurant on the A66, timings have yet to be confirmed but you can get everything from a cuppa to a full English, however you may want to leave room for lunch, before setting off on our drive which culminates in the stunning market town of Masham, North Yorkshire.

We recognise many of you like nothing better than a specific reason to visit somewhere, so to round off this year’s Cobwebs drive, members will also have the opportunity to book a Black Sheep Brewery museum, factory tour and tasting session prior to Sunday lunch in their restaurant, although neither are compulsory. Fear not drivers, we’ve not forgotten you, you can enjoy a soft drink and take a bottle of Black Sheep home to savour at your leisure.

If you’re interested in being part of this year’s season opening run please book below. Please note all partcipants must pre-book even if you only wish to do the drive so we have your info to send route map etc.

[FONT=verdana,geneva"]BOOK HERE[FONT=verdana,geneva"][FONT=verdana,geneva"] [FONT=verdana,geneva"] [attachment=SUNDAY MENU 2023.pdf]

Count us in for the drive, but not the brewery tour, we will probably picnic as TJ will be with us.

Looking forward to the run out.

Mike, Barbara and TJ

Couldn’t miss this one! Please put Chris and me down for this.

Thanks, both, for organising.

Hi Greg. As you probably know, the PCGB conference is that weekend but, getting priorities right, we hope to escape on Sunday morning and join you at or just after lunch!


Hi Greg,

We too will be travelling from the PCGB conference and so like JohnCRS will join in at or just after lunch.


Randall & Willis

Hi Greg

Count me in for this please, Cross Lanes is a handful of miles from where I live, plus lots of local roads make it a must! I’ll skip the lunch if you don’t mind but really looking forward to the drive 😀


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