Perhaps someone with spanners will put me straight on this one, but here goes....
Similarly, I've just bought an SC that hadn't been getting regular use and suffered a similar problem, but with a different cause. Apparently a lead acid battery left unused / uncharged over extended period will become "sulphated" and therefore lose its capacity to hold charge quicker than a battery that's used in a car regularly. E.g. not enough juice to start the car the car 3 days idle after a 40-50 mile / one hour run, which should have fully charged it it. So I ended up buying a new battery.
What I propose to do is to get a solar trickle charger to keep the new battery tip-top. These plug in the cigarette lighter, which means you can leave the battery terminals tightly secured and undisturbed under the bonnet. Maplins do a nice range of these from £10-£40ish, the better ones needing just daylight rather than full-on sunlight to provide current. Luckily I'm blessed with skylight panels in the garage, so you may need to contrive some kind of fag-lighter extension cord to get the panel to daylight, say inside a window. (They don't appear to be weatherproof at the cheaper end)
If this works as they claim, it ought to extend the useful battery life by a couple of years. More important than that to me though is saving the old girl from the indignity of being publicly jump started by her very distant Volksvagen cousin!