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Honing Driving Skills

Don't laugh and I know they aren't the right company Admiral on our multicar policy. I bought the car at short notice and have been away for two of the four weeks for work since I bought it!

Need to sort out proper insurance which I am very much a believer in (have a Hiscox household policy!)
Looking forward to the day immensely
I just checked with Porsche/Marsh Insurance about the status of the day.
It doesn't count as a track day but they need to be informed to issue a cover note for the day.
The only stipulation is it doubles your cars standard excess, whereas a track day the excess is 10% of the cars value.
As I renewed my policy as well they kindly waived the £20 admin charge for the cover note.
See you all next week.
Best wishes to those lucky members taking part in the driver training on Friday. I hope you enjoy your session and take away some useful instruction and experience to hold you in good stead for the future. They are great guys and gals at the PEC, so please make full use of them. Don't be too shy to ask if something's not clear or if there's something you feel you would like to focus on, let them know. It's your day, so make the most of it. [;)]

I won't be at Silverstone myself, but Clive Wratten will be on hand for most of the morning, so please say hello and pick up your 997 Register badge from him, if you've not yet had one!
Enjoy! [:)]


R7 members are taking part in on road advanced training.
It seems to be going down well.
If you missed the chance for this offer there are other ways out there to gain valuable training!
Good luck.
Just following on from Clive's last post, I look forward to meeting fellow drivers at the PEC tomorrow. I will certainly be around for both morning sessions and lunch so do introduce yourself both to say 'Hi' and if you would like a Register badge. I'm driving a blue C4S cab if that helps identify me!

Clive (Wratten)
Wratten said:
I'm driving a blue C4S cab if that helps identify me!
Clive (Wratten)
That'll be the one going sideways 'round the handling circuit, then! :ROFLMAO:


Well what a wonderful morning. A truly awesome experience on the track and the bonus of meeting some great like minded guys. The quality of the instructors was first class and I learnt loads. The lunch which was put on was first class too.
The only problem is it just wasn't long enough!!
Thanks Clive
Was fabulous thanks to all involved. Who else had Martin? The Welsh instructor. He had me in stitches. Nice to meet you Stephen. car looked lovely on the way out.
JCX said:
Was fabulous thanks to all involved. Who else had Martin? The Welsh instructor. He had me in stitches. Nice to meet you Stephen. car looked lovely on the way out.

Haha. I had Martin too, brilliant wasn't he? Pretty punchy in a very good way which I really enjoyed. He did a couple of laps in mine which was brilliant.

Many thanks to Clive for organising. Very good to meet everyone and a brilliant day and great value I thought, definitely up for another one.


David (997 GTS in the 9.30 slot)

stephen.m.thompson said:
Yes, a great morning, and nice to meet other 997 owners. I'm looking forward to the next one! Thank you for organising!

Is your exhaust standard ? Thought it sounded great. Assuming you were the silver GTS in the 11.00 slot ?
What a terrific day!
I thought the PEC to be a first class set up with excellent facilities and top notch instructors. I really enjoyed honing my driving skills (in some measure at least). The added bonus was meeting like minded 997 drivers; it was great to catch up with familiar faces and to get know new members alike.
Thanks Clive for sorting this one!
Oh Cheib I thought afterwards that I should have asked Martin to show me how it's done. I've never thought of myself as a top driver but I now know just how far off I am! :)

just sorry in a room full of faces that it wasn't easier to put names to them.

Clive W, I think we were on the brake testing circuit at the same time. Your car looked fab!! Assuming you were the blue gen 1 turbo.
It was an excellent morning and was great to meet up with a few of you. Unfortunately Joe didn't manage to catch up with you after your driving session.

Great tuition and an enjoyable experience.

Just need to book that session in the 997 GT2 RS and GT3 RS
Excellent day, excellent weather and really enjoyed the new section and meeting some of you.

It's such a worthwhile day, very good value and very good fun. It should be made compulsory!

Thanks clive for organising
JCX said:
Nice to meet you Stephen. car looked lovely on the way out.
Great to meet you too, and hope to see you at more events through the summer.

Thanks for comments on my car - it's looking even better tonight after a good clean :)

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