Active member
Had to share this with you in case its any use to anyone else .
My PC has been slowing down for the past 6 months so much so that after running anti virus and adware software I bought 1Ghz of memory hoping that would speed things up a bit .
Well it did a bit but not as much as I had expected.
The past month or two its got so damn slow that yesterday I backed everything up on a DVD so that I could format the hard drive over the w/e.It had got so slow I had started to thump both the mouse and the PC regularly.
Tonight I deleted a load of rubbish and just on a whim I did a defrag.
Jeez does the thing fly now ! its unbelievable the difference its made. Word and excel files now opens in a split second so fast its almost instant.
You need to do it twice and ignore any messages about not being necessary.Access time now is milliseconds yippee