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ORIGINAL: seanh79
Hi David,
Thanks for your post I think it's very very sound advice but I still wont be buying a 968. For as long as I can remember I've wanted a late 70s / early 80s 911 and, with the possible exception of the 3.2s, have no real interest in any of the later cars. It will be my only car but I live in London so it will only be a toy. I also undestand that there is the potential for big bills but then again I like stuffing about with old cars and most people I know are spending at least 5k a year on depreciation alone on their modern cars which is a reasonable contingency fund for the inevitable engine/gearbox/bodywork problems.
I figure the worst that can happen is I buy the wrong car spend a fortune on it, hate it and sell it at a loss, which isn't ideal but at least my girlfriend would never have to hear about old porsches again.
Sean, great minds think alike on all of that. You will love the cars, there is nothing not to like if you buy a good one - the supposed minus points are just idiosyncracies. 10 grand should certainly buy you a proper car.
If you need any help looking or you want a chat on the dog and bone(s), drop us an email for phone number, we will find you that car!
Cheers, JG