New member
Hi guys , I'm a little unwell so I've not been around so much, however 'Porsche Buddies' is ready for testing (thanks Jeff Maynard).
Firstly by showing that you are up for the scheme (I suggest you put the spanner icons in your signature.) you are not obligated to anyone or anything it's just a way of letting other people know that you are definitely up for helping out where it's convenient and there's a meeting of minds and purpose. It will be a great way of meeting other club members some of whom may not live that far away.
Don't worry about the ratings, if you look at my SC Gallery you might think I'm pretty useful with a spanner yet I've only given myself a 2 spanner rating, that is because I am limited physically to tackle some jobs so 2 sounded about right. I would say someone who does a lot of work on there Porsche and has a good technical grasp of how it's put together would be a 2 or three. If you were a two or three spanner buddy but you had a large well equipped garage or workshop you liked to share then you would be a three or four icon buddy. A one spanner buddy could be someone who is just keen to learn, could offer garage space and/or tools or wants to learn and meet other Porsche owners. It's often nice to have someone to chat to whislt you are working on your car. Also Melvin Spear runs a trailer service and he would be a 'Porsche Buddy' so a Porsche buddy could be anything really except perhaps a Ferrari owner!
Let 's not get anal about the spanner ratings for now we'll trial the scheme and see how it goes. If you really want me to give you a rating email me but if you're not up to scratch I'll have to put you in detention.
To insert a spanner icon in your signature go to your profile and insert this tag in your signature [SM=SPANNER5.gif]. Replace '5' with however many spanners you think appropriate and put it all in lower case, I have written it here in upper case otherwise instead of instructions you would be seeing spanners.
I'm posting an edited version in the general forum too and over the next few months Iwant to get 'Running Reports ' up and running and start trying to persuade the club to think about equipping the Buddies with some tools.
Incidentally my SC is still not back on the road I haven't driven it since October 2003, I'm gutted.
Firstly by showing that you are up for the scheme (I suggest you put the spanner icons in your signature.) you are not obligated to anyone or anything it's just a way of letting other people know that you are definitely up for helping out where it's convenient and there's a meeting of minds and purpose. It will be a great way of meeting other club members some of whom may not live that far away.
Don't worry about the ratings, if you look at my SC Gallery you might think I'm pretty useful with a spanner yet I've only given myself a 2 spanner rating, that is because I am limited physically to tackle some jobs so 2 sounded about right. I would say someone who does a lot of work on there Porsche and has a good technical grasp of how it's put together would be a 2 or three. If you were a two or three spanner buddy but you had a large well equipped garage or workshop you liked to share then you would be a three or four icon buddy. A one spanner buddy could be someone who is just keen to learn, could offer garage space and/or tools or wants to learn and meet other Porsche owners. It's often nice to have someone to chat to whislt you are working on your car. Also Melvin Spear runs a trailer service and he would be a 'Porsche Buddy' so a Porsche buddy could be anything really except perhaps a Ferrari owner!
Let 's not get anal about the spanner ratings for now we'll trial the scheme and see how it goes. If you really want me to give you a rating email me but if you're not up to scratch I'll have to put you in detention.
To insert a spanner icon in your signature go to your profile and insert this tag in your signature [SM=SPANNER5.gif]. Replace '5' with however many spanners you think appropriate and put it all in lower case, I have written it here in upper case otherwise instead of instructions you would be seeing spanners.
I'm posting an edited version in the general forum too and over the next few months Iwant to get 'Running Reports ' up and running and start trying to persuade the club to think about equipping the Buddies with some tools.
Incidentally my SC is still not back on the road I haven't driven it since October 2003, I'm gutted.