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Re: R3 Post Christmas Knees Up January 7th 2023.

Great catch-up evening, many thanks Greg and Deb for arranging another fab night.

Drive safe

John & Gillian

Firstly, it was a shame John & Ruth couldn’t make it due to illness. Hope you shake the dreaded lurgy that’s going around and get well soon.

Thank you for the kind comments, it’s always nice to know everyone had an enjoyable time. Personally, I always love that few hours chilling in the bar when R3 members congregate early, not because they have to, but because they just want a catch up.

I was thrilled to see everyone seemed to be having a great time and more than happy to let their hair down, what better way to kick start the new season, thank you everyone that supported it and made it another memorable night.

Morning Gregg and Debs

Thank you for organising Saturday night I had an excellent time and the meal was good too.

Added my thanks and a few photos on the r3 Facebook page 👍

Wendy and me had a great time and always appreciate the effort others put in so we can enjoy ourselves - so much appreciated.

Thanks Greg and Deb, another fab event and we loved it 👍

A bit late adding our thanks to the thread on the forum, but better late than never! Thanks again to Greg and Deb for organising this, Vickie and I had a great evening and it was good to catch-up with R3 friends!!


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