Having allegedly traded in the perfect colour combination black/black, Alex I can assure you are having the wool pulled over your eyes, if it make even £500 difference against a usual spec/colour then that is it... No where near enough money to be having this amount of stress over a colour.
Speaking to a guy over this weekend who has ordered the new M3 on the BMW options system, he told me they will not let him have a white car.!! They look stunning in white- this year. What do the dealers know that we don't ???
Either way in 5years time you'll be looking at a 40K car that you picked, but not the colour YOU wanted, but the colour the new owner or dealer wanted you to have...
Speaking to a guy over this weekend who has ordered the new M3 on the BMW options system, he told me they will not let him have a white car.!! They look stunning in white- this year. What do the dealers know that we don't ???
Either way in 5years time you'll be looking at a 40K car that you picked, but not the colour YOU wanted, but the colour the new owner or dealer wanted you to have...