Hello, Good to chat with you this afternoon, just thought it might be worthwhile following up our chat with this email just to clarify everything for you. We at Byfleet are please to help both Porsche GB and your members to clear up any outstanding recalls that may be needed on your members machines. In fact coincidentally 10 mins after I spoke to you today I was doing a recall check on a 964 and found out that it had 4 outstanding recalls and 2 of those were full blown safety recalls. It would be good if you could distribute this information to your fellow Register Secretaries for their info -I do not think the checks are viable on anything older than perhaps a 1980 vehicle. As of the 1st of July we will have set up an email address and if any of your members would like to send me, via email only , their full VIN no. e.g. WP0ZZZ99Z4S6????? together with their registration number (only for verification of VIN if any discrepancies arise) , club membership number and their post code (first 4 digits only needed), we will be glad to check the information that is only now available to us as a full service centre, to see if they in fact need to contact us or a local dealer for rectification.
I will try to have the requests answered A.S.A.P but that at times it may take up to a week. Obviously we would be happy to have people from any location visit us for their rectification, but realize that will not be geographically viable for many of your members. Regards David David J Kneen MIMI After Sales Manager Porsche Byfleet 01483 421 911
Hello, Good to chat with you this afternoon, just thought it might be worthwhile following up our chat with this email just to clarify everything for you. We at Byfleet are please to help both Porsche GB and your members to clear up any outstanding recalls that may be needed on your members machines. In fact coincidentally 10 mins after I spoke to you today I was doing a recall check on a 964 and found out that it had 4 outstanding recalls and 2 of those were full blown safety recalls. It would be good if you could distribute this information to your fellow Register Secretaries for their info -I do not think the checks are viable on anything older than perhaps a 1980 vehicle. As of the 1st of July we will have set up an email address and if any of your members would like to send me, via email only , their full VIN no. e.g. WP0ZZZ99Z4S6????? together with their registration number (only for verification of VIN if any discrepancies arise) , club membership number and their post code (first 4 digits only needed), we will be glad to check the information that is only now available to us as a full service centre, to see if they in fact need to contact us or a local dealer for rectification.
I will try to have the requests answered A.S.A.P but that at times it may take up to a week. Obviously we would be happy to have people from any location visit us for their rectification, but realize that will not be geographically viable for many of your members. Regards David David J Kneen MIMI After Sales Manager Porsche Byfleet 01483 421 911