I know Des and I am not going hell for leather for him as it seams some people are suggesting, ( in fact I shall be calling him ) I just wanted to put people in the picture, of what happens and what affect it has on other people and the work they do to get there. So I suggest people read ALL the posts rather than scanning and then making up the rest in their heads....Sure I can see it was a mistake and one that on a track day would be more than unlucky but it was
still a parade lap. Anyway I left it all when Clubsport and I posted our replies but others poss without reading ( i feel ) all the other posts & jumped in and fueled the fire so i am bound to reply.
I am more than happy to end it there.
Vic your VERY kind offer I know is a committed offer and I would love to Say Yes at a time when we can all meet up, as you say she is getting close to D day and that is why we wanted to do the nice slow parade lap. But Yes Jo has said yes please!! I did mean to come over for a chat on Monday but as you know with it all going so fast on the day time wise. I hope I didn't get in your way on the day I did my best to keep to the right or indicate to say I have seen you and as soon as I can I will pull over. It was a fun day I hope the club can manage to get to organise it all again for next year. So If I can get Jo out on the track for some fun that would be great and I know she will be very pleased to get some Porsche fun.
SimonExtream I'm not even going to reply to that cr..
But sincerly I do wish ALL Porsche owners a safe drive in their cars and I hope if a car spins in future it is on a track day and no harm is done other than pride to the owner. Just can I ask for the club and other peoples sake Parade laps are to show the cars and the club in their best light for all to enjoy..[





And for info Jo and I have sold our BMW ( which was more than fast enough thanks )..and are waiting for little one to get old enough as we have looked to buy a 996 and didn't like them so we have been looking at a standard 964 for the future, when we can ditch the family 4 door hack I just bought. A VERY temp Audi A4 so i will be back on the forum to ask questions.[
