Landed in Heathrow at 9am, had fitted SW's chip and test driven by 1 pm guess what I was thinking about in the air over the Atlantic.
Anyway initial impressions are very promising, the car feels much more crisp and eagar particularly through the gears, as there was a lot of traffic about I didn't have chance to give it a proper workout, but I did notice that the car seems to idle more smoothly but at a slightly higher rev than before, anyone else notice this?
More to come once the jetlag has passed and I can spend a good few hours on the road
Anyway initial impressions are very promising, the car feels much more crisp and eagar particularly through the gears, as there was a lot of traffic about I didn't have chance to give it a proper workout, but I did notice that the car seems to idle more smoothly but at a slightly higher rev than before, anyone else notice this?
More to come once the jetlag has passed and I can spend a good few hours on the road