Hi tscaptain,
I thought I had blocked you on here, for a similar clash of personalities in the past.... Strange that we are still in a state of bind here...
This is a forum, not a professional advice centre. The forums as far as I know are here for members to express their thoughts, opinions and share experiences. If you continue to discourage this from happening by trolling the forums and making corrections instead of adding your own, you might find yourself at odds with people who are otherwise here due to a common interest in motors.
Okay. Let's try to be civilized here. No need to insult one another. This is a public place after all.
tscaptain said:
What's the IMS scoring issue? I think you are confusing two separate, and rare, problems"
I'm not the one confused.
You'd be right if it wasn't for your assumption, that the 997.1 is excluded as an option.
MR clearly states "
the choice between GENI and GenII cars" ..
Recall also - for; "
Touring....High days and Holidays....5k miles a year....know all 911 will do but, which one for me"
All things considered, a 911 (997.1 or 997.2) that's anything between 12 and 5 years old (2004-2012) is going to cost between 18k to 40?k. I would suggest the best value for money is in the 3.6L cars with less to go wrong, lower capital investment, maintenance, insurance costs, near insignificant difference you would not miss, the 911 is a huge step up from anything else for that kind of money. Can spend the savings on upgrades - all round and best servicing...
tscaptain said:
I disagree about the suitability of a coupe for touring.
If you try to imagine that a Targa is a Coupe, you wouldn't disagree that the Targa is more suitable for touring.
but then again you, hold on, hold on....you seem to .... ?
tscaptain said:
"Sure, getting the bags in and out of the back is not as easy as with an estate car (and I'm not as bendy as I used to be)"
Unless your idea of touring only has two end-points, the issue I raised about what you can carry and how you get to them is relevant and nothing to do with confusion. Anyone panning to invest in a touring vehicle in the form of a 911 Coupe should be aware that access to the rear isn't easy. This may of course be countered with a roof rack as stowage for bulk, if need be.
I personally use my 997.1 as a daily. It is a workhorse I use for all occasions and I make sure that it is serviced and cared for periodically. Clearly the 911 Coupe is my choice of a car and I do of course recommend it but at times when I need to go to places 200-300 miles away for weekend or longer, space in the car and access to it, does become a bother. I loathe loading the rear and getting things out of it... Not sure if it just me but the Targa 997 seems more than just a semi-convertible with a glass roof. It fills that only void I didn't know existed in a 911 Coupe, which is otherwise is a superb 'transport system' for all occasions.
tscaptain said:
"Interesting thought about having an opening rear window on the 911.
Not sure I would want to lift a heavy bag over my precious paintwork!!"
That doesn't appear to be a problem for the 997 Targa or the Cayman Range...??
I'd say the Targa 997 would be best suited as a tourer from the available options in the 997 range - it's panoramic sunroof alone would score points as your passenger can watch the starts in the sky as you drive along the curves and up the skirts of a mountain.
Oh worth knowing... If you're at the lower end of my estimated budget range of 20-40k, there is a break point in how road tax is worked out for the 911. 2005 and earlier models get away with just 250/year liability and 2006 onward are paying 500/year for the same vehicle...