I owned and rebuilt and tracked a 550kg 180 bhp Vx powered Westy. (couldnt fit in a cateringvan) Awesome cornering and only similar and slighty superior spec`d cars outbraked it. Truly truly a great experience. problem is they are aerodynamically appalling so you get to 70 real quick and then hit a brick wall so all the beemers and scooby`s youve left fly past you again. Noisy and windy and v v tiring on a long journey (despite what the owners tell you) A 4 wheeled motorbike. Brilliant on twisty circuits but limited at Bedford or Silverstone.
See here
I also owned and rebuilt and tracked a 750 kg 250 bhp V8 Ginetta G27. Just as fast but with better aerodynamics it did circa 145 mph and went through the gears quicker than Griffith 500`s. Amazing handling from Ginettas racing heritage and once upgraded nearly as good brakes as the Westy. Sadly missed as I never really had the chance to perfect the set up. Still wondering what its ultimate potential might have been as I bought it having seen one at Donington thrashing a load of serious Westy`s and cateringvans.
See here
I mention this as I wrote off the Ginetta (sadly) and looked around for something that fitted my ideals.
Thought about another Westy and tried some bike engined ones. Fantastic but not enough torque or engine braking so the CEC ones are better in and out the corners IMO
I have toyed with TVR`s for years (annual shall I shant I pilgrimage to TVR centre near Barnet) but I cannot bring myself to part with money as they are too unreliable (regardless of what the owners tell you)
911`s were my favourite since as a young man I saw the release of the 930 turbo in 1976 but when I tried them they are so cramped and uncomfortable unless you get a left hooker.
I toyed with building an Ultima but the money was too much. I even went back to thinking about another classic car (I rebuilt and subsequently owned a concours Rover P5B Coupe for 10 years)
Thought about Fisher Fury`s but have had enough of kit cars for the time being.
Scooby`s.....................well......................[:'(][:'(] what is all the fuss about, absolutely horrible with a bald tattooed Essex man persona. Dreadful cars in my book. I test drove two and they are fantastic into a corner but in the corner you will never know when it goes IMO, bloody dangerous unless you know what you are doing. Not neutral and confidence inspiring like the 944. Probably why my 944 leaves em out of fast roundabouts.
I looked at Elises (I`m too tall) having driven a turbod one at Bedford (only a 993 left it oon the straights and it was all over it through the corners but didnt have enough grunt to pass) it also had been rebuilt twice and caaught fire regularly [

] but the stories re the K series engines are legendary (despite what the owners say) even Cateringvans now use a Toyota Celica engine note: see how much second hand K series go for (if you can find a decent one) A 240R is on my list but too pricey.
I then thought of a track day car (Peugeot 1.9 GTI) etc etc but couldnt be arsed to strip and rebuild (gain power) etc etc.
I then looked at 944`s on Pistonheads classifieds/e-bay etc and noted the realistic pounds per punch they offered. I did some research and then realised what a dynamic car they are. I tested about 15 before I found one of the right price and quality and now own a silver rose spec 250 bhp turbo. I intended to strip it out and track it all the time but its too good. I am blown away with the performance through the gears and the handling (less enthused by the lag but I`m working on that) and the brakes are great but need to be MUCH better in my book so I'm working on that too. I also reckon you could lose up to 70 kg if you threw all the unneccessary bits away.
Comfortable, refined cheap to run (so far) and everyone I`ve taken out has been stunned (they dont say "its not a real Porsche" any more) Its superb giving all the other cars out there a damn good slap as required. Last week a brand new M5 gave it loads and (seriously) only just went away from me as the speed went up to...............(well it was on a completely empty dual carriageway with about a two mile straight with perfect visibility) my car must have given him a fright. Interestingly the M5 seemed to have v v hard suspension, bouncing noticeably (love to track one, they are supposed to be awesome) wheres the 944 always (to me) sounds as if its having trouble coping but soaks up the bumps perfectly. 944 with Mo30 seems to have definitely the best ride/handling compromise I`ve driven.
To sum up they are the best compromise for the money I could find and I love mine. I still cant believe its got all the gear (c/d and a/c etc etc) and still goes so well. Interestingly the wife (who hated the others) will come out in this one and *cough* not seem to notice when I`m driving briskly which is a great complement for the car so a double whammy then [
