I should first clarify, the 944 isn't mine, it's my wife's car. I do however drive it regularly (got it at work at today) and I look after it.
As for reasons why, I'd had a 350-odd bhp Nissan Sunny GTIR for a few years, had had my fun and wanted to move on. Originally the plan was I was going to get a FD3S twin-turbo RX-7, however the wife had been having a bad year health-wise, so I decided that I needed to cheer her up rather than waste my money on another fuel-guzzler (was averaging about 15mpg on high boost in the Nissan, RX-7s manage about 10mpg...). She'd actually been after a Mk1 MR2, which I'm not a big fan of, but she liked the retro shape and they are supposed to handle well, so we went looking for one. After the 5th rusty shed that was supposed to be immaculate, we both decided to give up on MR2s, thankfully. So we were at a bit of a loss, what would be retro-cool, reliable, not a rusty shed and not be hugely expensive to run? Actually I already knew, but as I'd always fancied a 944 and this was supposed to be her car, I kept quiet.
The wife went through a few other possible choices (Fiat Coupe Turbos, VW Corrado VR6s, 200SXs) but couldn't find anything that fitted her requirements. Then one day we were both leaving work when a 944 went past. The wife immediately perked up, asking what the car was and if she could afford one. I told her she could easily and the seed was sewn. I decided she should get a Lux, as they are the cheapest to service, insure and there are few about in decent nick, if you're prepared to travel. I'd personally have gone for a Turbo, but I had to buy what would suit her, not me and she's not interested in supercar performance.
We looked at 4 cars in total, the first 3 were again mis-represented as mint and definitely weren't (it's not fun driving for 4 hours to see a car that smokes more than a pile of burning tyres!), but car number 4 I knew we'd buy as soon as I saw it. Stone Metallic Grey with black interior and the leather fronted seats option, it was much nicer than most of the 944 colour/interior options of that time and it was also an early oval dash. Perfect! It had done 94k miles, the last owner had ownerd it for 15 years and he even had the name and phone number of the service technician that had been looking after it for the last 8 years, in case I wanted to call and chat about the car. Actually we both left the viewing thinking he was a nice guy but more than a little obsessed with the car (along with the huge history file, he also had brochures for the tyres he'd tried on the car...), but he was moving on to a 968 Club Sport and it was time to say goodbye. So pretty much the perfect person to buy a 944 off then. Once we'd passed his tests (he was definitely vetting us, which I found very amusing!), we agreed a price and arranged to pick the car up the next weekend.
I'd driven all the previous 944s we'd looked at but this was the first one that didn't have serious problems and after a decent stint driving it home (I had to let the wife have a go at some point [

]) I was really, really impressed. The inherent balance of the car was immediately apparent and although it did the typical Lux thing of leaning like a canoe when really being thrown about, I enjoyed driving it. It was pretty slow compared to what I was used to, but the rest was so good, I decided I could live with that. My wife loved it too, she was off straight away to show her new toy off to her friends, who all being the usual Fiesta/Corsa shopping trolley drivers, were all very impressed.
Can't say it's all been plain sailing though, the water pump failed pretty soon after we got it and the clutch had to be done soon after that as well. Add the coolant temp switch failing and a leaking power-steering serpentine section, it's not been trouble-free motoring, but no car would have been. However, the fact that it's as fun on the b-roads as it is effortless, cruising from Reading to Halifax and back a couple of times a year, I'm definitely glad we chose this over the others she considered. And when it's time for me to get another toy, there'll be a Turbo arguing with it over the garage space...