OK. Wednesday has come (and almost gone). And the windscreen fitter has come and definitely gone ...
And he fitted a new windscreen. And I *think* he has done a good job. He removed all the inside trim (side A-panel trims and the one across the top, with the light in it.) He removed the windscreen wipers. He put protective tape over everything. He seemed diligent. He called me out to draw my attention to an existing cut in the dashboard which he says was probably put there by a previous windscreen installer (I am confident he didn't do it - it had black sealant over it which was old and dry.)
I took a couple of photos - not as many as I had hoped, as I was in a teleconference for much of the morning. But they are here:
With protective tape:
More tape:
Starting to come out (I watched this process. He had a small knife - like a short stubby hook, with the blade sticking out about 1cm from the side. This was dug into the old rubber seal around the windscreen and run around the edge, cutting the old seal and the glue holding it all together, and allowing the screen to be lifted out. He was careful not to scratch the aperture, but I could see how a bit of carelessness could cause major damage. I also looked carefully all the way 'round the aperture, and there was no rust there anywhere.)
All the way out - big hole:
Removing old trim:
The newly-fitted 'screen looks like the old one - it appears to be flush (is not proud of the bodywork anywhere), and looks to be as it should. But then I am not sure if I would spot a problem. I haven't driven the car since it was fitted, and it hasn't rained, so I don't know whether it is waterproof or whether there is wind noise.
I DO have a couple of questions, which I would be grateful if someone would mind checking on their own cars.
1. In this picture:
... I have highlighted two things.
- The arrow. Points to the end of the rubber trim that goes 'round the screen. It seems to end in two tails (one each side), which go nowhere. They are about an inch long and just flap around in the panel at the top of the bonnet. Is this normal? Should the trim go along the bottom of the windscreen? (I don't think it did on the old one, but am not 100% sure.) Should it tuck into something to stop it from flapping around?
- The ring is 'round a cover plate, over the aeriel connection for the radio. This isn't sitting quite right, and the connection for the aeriel (where it goes into the windscreen) is visible - the small coppery-brown bit in the middle. Is this simply that the cover is not fitted quite straight, or is the cover not fitted straight symptomatic of the fact that the windscreen is not fitted right?
And another one ... in this picture:
... what does the block in the middle do? The one with the hex-insert bolt head in the middle of it? I ask because it is loose - the block wobbles when you ... er ... wobble it with your fingers. There is another one on the other side and it is equally loose. Is this relevant?
All answers welcomed, thanks.