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Forum upgrade


New member
I hope everone's seen the notice on the home page, but we are advised that the major forum upgrade goes live tomorrow.

This isn't some massive change to a different format: it is merely an upgrade to the current platform. This was agreed as the current forum works well, largely because it is so simple to use, and it's few faults aren't the end of the world.

The main reason for the update is to bring in a single sign-in between the Club website and forum to make things easier for Club office and the members. Non-members will still be welcome on the forums of course, but there will be plenty of log-in issues.

An e-mail will go to all forum users tomorrow, but this relies on you having kept your details up to date with the Club office. If you have any log-in issues, please drop a message to one of the admins, but bear in mind we will be dealing with a lot of forgotten user names and passwords, and Lord knows how many out-of-date email addresses. [:eek:]

In the event you are one of the unlucky ones who have log in issues you're welcome to email me direct at 944 at and I will attempt to reset any accounts as fast as possible. Telephone is O7971 83278O. I am at work during the day, but please don't hesitate to call if you need help.

Hopefully most of you won't notice any change, but I look forward to seeing you on the other side! [:)]
pauljmcnulty said:
This isn't some massive change to a different format Hopefully most of you won't notice any change, but I look forward to seeing you on the other side! [:)]

Nope. Didn't notice a thing! All looks just the same to me.

I don't want to appear grumpy I feel we don't appreciate change but what do you think of the new look site...for me I had to request a password change to re enter the new look site plus my existing P/W had not changed in the first place?

Seems a bit inefficient on screen space on my mobile, but after a pw change much less bad than pistonheads (mobile) ATM. Will we still be recognised as non-members after the account migration I wonder?

Have you used your glasses recently, Glenn?:rolleyes:

It’s of sufficiently different format to confuse quite a few, I reckon[;)]

I'm not a club member ;-)

Nor will I be entering the chassis number of my car into this sites database. Who would do this? Surely 'required fields' for the my cars section would just be that I own a 1989 944 turbo and if I choose to enter them, any other Porsches I have owned. Any more should be optional imo.

its very hard to use on my ipad, the waste of screen space is crazy.

everything seems over sized and widows 8.1 ugly

GlennS said:
pauljmcnulty said:
This isn't some massive change to a different format Hopefully most of you won't notice any change, but I look forward to seeing you on the other side! [:)]

Nope. Didn't notice a thing! All looks just the same to me.


Perhaps that was badly phrased....

What I meant was this is just the new version of the old forum, rather than a new platform, so it should work the same but look more up to date. All the functions should be pretty much what we had before, plus some new stuff.

Please be reassured that the same old rubbish set of smilies have been carried across. That's the important thing. :rolleyes:

Hi Malc,

Adding info to your profile is totally optional. I haven't added my car, but the main reason for the very slow roll-out of the combined forum/website for Club members was to ensure these personal details were secure.

The info on your car is for the member's Register database, so irrelevant for non-members anyway. You can add it if you wish, but it's not important.

John, the password thing is a nightmare. Imagine your case multiplied about 15000 times. [:(]

Any problems follow the link on the forum home page and you can email the support team. Fix is simple, so far as I'm aware.

So I own a 996 from way back ('99?) and a 2003 Cayenne. Oh and a Boxster from about 2000. And an incorrect address and postcode, and an old 'phone number.

Anyway, all fixed now. Probably my own fault for not updating Jade (though I thought I had). If everyone did that ( a five minute job) it would make life a lot easier for Head Office.

I'm sure we'll get used to the new format, just take a bit of getting used to.

having read some of the replies here I thought I best check what details are held on my car....I don't recall giving vin numbers etc but there was info there and my memory is very bad these days so it's possible that i did give details...registration was wrong though. So in true modern security fashion i thought it best to remove the critical parts, alas the VIN chassis and reg numbers are mandatory and it wouldn't let me edit the car info without these, however the delete button did work so my only option was to delete my car from the database....sad perhaps although like i said i don't remember giving the details in the first place but in this day and age perhaps the safer thing to do...


hmm there seems to be a few bugs or perhaps just unforeseen changes in this new layout....on further investigation of my profile I noted that it had the old signature, not the one shown at the end of this post. So I thought it best to update it to what it should be...I couldn't change it and suspect I won't be able to change other parts either....reason being that the system didn't recognise my ID...that is 'PSH' reason given...'username must be at least 4 characters' does that work?...I'm clearly logged on with a username of only 3 characters????? strange...


pauljmcnulty said:

Please be reassured that the same old rubbish set of smilies have been carried across. That's the important thing. :rolleyes:

And we nearly didn't have them - I had to jump up and down and threaten to hold-my-breath-until-I-go-blue several separate times before they got loaded.

I really would have liked a more comprehensive set, but I seemed to be the lone voice...?


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