The car is massively different Brian, and the increased punch in second gear in particular is really noticeable. The LWFW has changed the throttle response, the exhaust the power/torque and sound. As a combination they're brilliant with the only downside being some slight drone between 2k and 3k revs. This seems to be an issue with all the replacement silencer options to a more or lesser degree, and Ninemeister are having a "v2" silencer produced in stainless steel to try and reduce it a bit as I'm sure some owners would find it annoying. I will be testing it in the New Year and if it's any good I'll have my inconel silencer modified to match, although I'm not actually that bothered about the slight drone as I rarely drive in heavy traffic which is where it's most apparent. Along with the geo setup I've had done the car is now brilliant fun to drive. I'm just waiting to see what the GT4RS brings to the table to see if there's anything I can port across from it, otherwise I'm more than happy with the way the car is now.
For those interested, here is the resulting power curve of my car. I don't have a before graph I'm afraid as we only had this run done out of curiosity rather than for marketing or development purposes:
For those interested, here is the resulting power curve of my car. I don't have a before graph I'm afraid as we only had this run done out of curiosity rather than for marketing or development purposes: