Is there still a slot left for the Enduro drive? No definite decisions yet, but as it's looking quite likely 2007 may be my last chance I'd definitely be up for that especially if I could have a panel to put the company logo on to justify fat Gordon paying part of the cost. It would be a laugh doing the ARDS course together etc. as well.....
Good news! After waiting 15 minutes on the RAC MSA Licence phone line they have confirmed that my Competition Licence is sufficiently up to date that I can just renew [
I guess we will have to have a magnetic novice cross for the back as I'm not sure I can take such indignity again.
Obviously I will come along to support my team when they do the ARDS Course. I understand they once failed someone.
Belinda has suggested that I need to start a fitness regime as soon as posible.....should stand me in good stead if I do meet Keira Knightley. [