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greg_harm said:
......................... I believe the board started looking at a much more modern idea some time ago which we were told would blow our socks off and be an unprecedented huge leap forward, but unfortunately after almost two years it still hasn’t come to fruition.

Hi Greg, as you know I have been involved with the forum since its inception in 2012. Indeed I was the then board member who worked hard to bring it to our members, despite reluctance from some other board members at that time.

You say that two years ago you there were suggestions made to yourself of a new forum? This is the first I have heard of this. If this turns out to be fact then I find it really disappointing that none of the admins have been involved. But then again nothing surprises me at the moment ………………….!

There are many technical issues involved with any software upgrades and we have integrated many bespoke upgrades into the current system that are not transferrable. These were all done to satisfy the uniqueness of the needs of our members and all came at substantial additional cost as we continued to develop the system and make it fit for our purpose. Many users and admins were involved to get the system to where it is today.

This forum, even in its current form, could sing and fly if our 'officials' got more involved. If they can post and blog on FB and twitter then why not here? Surely they can cross post the same message on all platforms?
Good morning Brian.
Don't be feeling lonely [;)] - I am usually lurking somewhere observing posts but just don't usually have anything interesting to say.
House-build still not quite finished (although been in for almost a year after four and a half years in a caravan!), but starting to look at my cars again - Cayman actually MoT'd and back on the road last month for the first time since 2017 Knockhill trackday.
Almost-finished and road-legal (if it had an MoT) 1982 SC still in hibernation in my shed until I get around to re-fitting the rear screen and rear seats & trim.
Nice little job if anyone is bored and wants to assist?
Also, happy to host anyone who needs covered space to store/ work on their car [s5].
How's that?
Stay safe.
Alastair Price

Morning Peter, I recognise you may be protective of the forum but this current format has undoubtably seen its day and whether we like it or not is desperately in need of some real work.

When you put so much effort into something it’s easy to become protective of it, gloss over the cracks and resist change, but the truth is the forum in its current format is just no longer good enough, it’s not easy to navigate, clunky and dated so is it really any wonder why members and officials are turning away from it, just try and quickly post a picture or find your private messages and then tell me I’m wrong.

Please reread my post at no point did I say we were looking at reinventing the wheel, the Club were looking at a new way to engage with the modern member through the possibility of an interactive more up-to-date App, hence why I stated, "I believe the board started looking at a much more modern idea some time ago which we were told would blow our socks off and be an unprecedented huge leap forward, but unfortunately after almost two years it still hasn’t come to fruition.”

As you say "This forum, even in its current form, could sing and fly if our 'officials' got more involved. If they can post and blog on FB and twitter then why not here? Surely, they can cross post the same message on all platforms?” The simple answer to this is most don’t because it’s easier and less time consuming and, in some instances, more effective to use other formats. E.g a post on Instagram can be automatically duplicated on both Facebook and Twitter at the click of a button.

This is a great topic because as usual it gets those passionate (which always tends to be the same people) about this club talking and posting and is exactly what we need more of and kind of proves your point, give them something to talk about and you will get interaction. It’s far too easy to blame these strange times for our current failings but we can’t keep using that as an excuse and stand by and watch as our club stagnates or worse, which is why we need to discuss and explore as may avenues as possible to remain as our members first choice, go to club, instead of allowing the brand to become more and more diluted through the increasing rise of off shots and private groups on social media.
Late to this but perhaps if the board at the time weren't so keen to promote the new DMP website in late 2014; notably we club officials were encouraged to move content such as news, events, galleries to the website it wouldn't be so quiet here. Not criticising the decision, but we have to live with the consequences.

That said there are some who neither post to the website or here and use private (read secret) Facebook groups to run things.

Re: Forum and it's features; it's a great platform to discuss things but in today's world there are many that prefer the features on the social platforms when it comes to photos, videos and instant interaction. I don't think any forum software upgrade could ever compete their features as they are backed by billions of users (dollars).

I used to bang my drum at conferences about the various communication tools organizers had at their disposal and which were better for some things than others and how to use them; Porsche Post and the Club forum are and should always be seen as an important part of Club life, but we should look to the future as there might just be a more enjoyable way to interact around the corner.

Regards from a wet and grey London, looking forward to happier times when we can all meet each other for real

Hi Greg - thanks for posting a reply so soon.

Please rest assured I am not at all over protective about this forum by any means and have always been an advocate of progression and looking forward to an innovative future.

The part where you mentioned the 'possible' future forum software replacement which may be in the pipeline in your earlier post was seriously concerning to me especially with the lack of involvement by the admins. We could both be wrong and there may be nothing going on at all. I will make some enquiries though.

With reference to your statement The simple answer to this is most don’t because it’s easier and less time consuming and, in some instances, more effective to use other formats. E.g a post on Instagram can be automatically duplicated on both Facebook and Twitter at the click of a button’ You summed it up nicely ‘easier and less time consuming’ and that is exactly where I came from in my post about the lack of engagement. Any committed official would take an extra two minutes to post on here. But of course it’s so easy to say ‘I can’t be bothered to do a few more clicks’.

On the topic of posting pictures. Sure I concede that it’s not as easy as the likes FB or eBay but it’s not really hard is it? There are two ways to do it and it is so easy! The trouble is people are used to doing things the ‘easy’ way like drag and drop etc. and don’t bother reading the instructions.

Thankfully we both have the same interests in pursuing what if good for the club.
alastairp said:
Good morning Brian.
Don't be feeling lonely [;)] - I am usually lurking somewhere observing posts but just don't usually have anything interesting to say.
House-build still not quite finished (although been in for almost a year after four and a half years in a caravan!), but starting to look at my cars again - Cayman actually MoT'd and back on the road last month for the first time since 2017 Knockhill trackday.
Almost-finished and road-legal (if it had an MoT) 1982 SC still in hibernation in my shed until I get around to re-fitting the rear screen and rear seats & trim.
Nice little job if anyone is bored and wants to assist?
Also, happy to host anyone who needs covered space to store/ work on their car [s5].
How's that?
Stay safe.
Alastair Price

Nice hearing from you and glad your back in a nice indoor environment, a weekend in a caravan is about my limit :ROFLMAO: .it has not been a good year for all and certainly not car wise that is for sure with so many events cancelled the first being PITG in May ,the only other show on was Kames in late August attended my the usual DDK suspects . Stay safe and see to you at some point in 2021

Nick, I have to say your reply does seem a little condescending. As the previous communications Director and Vice Chair, I would have thought in your time commanding the direction of the PCGB ship, you would have been in some way responsible for overseeing the progression of our Club forum and dare I say, somewhat better at communicating any expectations and concerns down the chain to the engine room. May I even be so bold as to suggest perhaps if you had felt so strongly about the changes that the previous Directors had initiated and had you banged your drum in the boardroom a little harder, maybe more action and smoother sailing could have been implemented long before now.

I really see no mileage in suggesting who is right or wrong on here, that’s not what this post is about in fact quite the opposite. As such I also feel I should clarify, R20 under the guidance of both yourself and Ed has to be one of the most successful Regions out there, however like some Regions & Registers your section on the forum, with respect isn’t that great. Because like so many others you guys also prefer to manage the masses through other media channels, although it also has to be said to really good effect.

Despite a quiet forum, can I also point out the R20 guys and girls probably have the best and most up to date website pages in the entire club, by an absolute country mile perhaps this is where we could and should be working smarter and finding new and simpler way to linking the two formats closer together, perhaps doing this could allow members to add some of their own content, post pictures easier and even create some great readers lives articles [;)]

Despite not being an organiser anymore I do take optimism from many of the comments on here and also that there could possibly still be something new in the pipeline or on the horizon. I really hope so, because like so many others I also believe this old forum is in dire need of a shot in the arm if it is to actually survive or continue to progress.
Hi Greg,

Re: Our own region and the ways we communicate to our London members, we listened to our regions' members and moved to where they want us to be. Personally I do not use Facebook but I do run probably the largest regional page for our London members.

Re: Our forum pages, If we could be everything to everyone with an unlimited amount of time we'd post more here too. We have choices and as such we spend our time on running events and communicate using what works for London though I wish they'd not chosen Zoom too!

Re: Banging drum; like I said I didn't say the previous boards' suggestion was wrong only that we asked to move our content off the forum. It was the right decision at the time.

Re: Members adding their own content, we've never been asked but welcome those who might want too.

Anyhow, Greg, I've always taken your criticism positively please keep us honest and on the right track. I hope to see you and Deb next year, and not at the end of another Zoom call.

Nick_USA said:
Late to this but perhaps if the board at the time weren't so keen to promote the new DMP website in late 2014; notably we club officials were encouraged to move content such as news, events, galleries to the website it wouldn't be so quiet here. Not criticising the decision, but we have to live with the consequences.

That’s a pretty dramatic and critical statement that’s so far from reality.

On behalf of the then board, chaired by Nick Hine, I instigated and lead the DMP team of hard working volunteers, including Chris James who became the IT Director in 2015 - a full year before you were appointed as the Communications Director.

At no time was anyone 'encouraged to move content such as news, events, and galleries to the website'. That is untrue.

What we did encourage is for all officials to embrace the new website and use it to the best of their ability. We did encourage to fill out their respective website areas with the information they had on the forum, but in most cases this did not happen. Let’s face it the forum and website are chalk and cheese, providing different platforms in which we all see things in different light.

Had we started the current website before we had a forum then I am sure that all the officials, with the necessary tools, would have engaged it in its entirety and the forum would not be the place it is now.

Our forum is the only place within the clubs social media where members and non-members alike can share information equally across all Regions, Registers and General Discussion areas, gaining information from the rich source of material that is available 24 hours a day from our knowledgeable contributors.

If that is living with the consequences then so be it. Its not too shabby is it?

Peter_Bull said:
Our forum is the only place within the clubs social media where members and non-members alike can share information equally across all Regions, Registers and General Discussion areas, gaining information from the rich source of material that is available 24 hours a day from our knowledgeable contributors.

That is absolutely right Peter, chasing all the other social media and website avenues has diluted the effectiveness of the Forum. Whilst there are now many discrete groups that exclude the majority, only the hardcore member is going to sign up to all the channels available to them, where once the Forum was the obvious platform to disseminate information to everyone.
Peter_Bull said:
Nick_USA said:
Late to this but perhaps if the board at the time weren't so keen to promote the new DMP website in late 2014; notably we club officials were encouraged to move content such as news, events, galleries to the website it wouldn't be so quiet here. Not criticising the decision, but we have to live with the consequences.

That’s a pretty dramatic and critical statement that’s so far from reality.

On behalf of the then board, chaired by Nick Hine, I instigated and lead the DMP team of hard working volunteers, including Chris James who became the IT Director in 2015 - a full year before you were appointed as the Communications Director.

At no time was anyone 'encouraged to move content such as news, events, and galleries to the website'. That is untrue.

What we did encourage is for all officials to embrace the new website and use it to the best of their ability. We did encourage to fill out their respective website areas with the information they had on the forum, but in most cases this did not happen. Let’s face it the forum and website are chalk and cheese, providing different platforms in which we all see things in different light.

Had we started the current website before we had a forum then I am sure that all the officials, with the necessary tools, would have engaged it in its entirety and the forum would not be the place it is now.

Our forum is the only place within the clubs social media where members and non-members alike can share information equally across all Regions, Registers and General Discussion areas, gaining information from the rich source of material that is available 24 hours a day from our knowledgeable contributors.

If that is living with the consequences then so be it. Its not too shabby is it?

Apologies Peter, I do remember your encouragement to populate the respective parts of the website. However, I do believe this led to some information which was previously posted on the forum no longer being posted here; possibly because of the duplication of effort or differing features that the new website provided.

Both platforms have their place.

Whilst we may have different views on encouragement and consequences, to your final point on the forum 'It's not too shabby'.
Aye … this Forum is a decent place and for me, works well enough. It occasionally `throws a wobbly`, possibly due to my inconsistent connectivity. A few tweaks for improved navigation would help but are unlikely to improve the activity level , methinks

I am only a member for the Forum, renewing a lapsed membership during the early pandemic days as my time on line increased. In researching background for a potential change of car I appreciated the value of the information within

The increase in club`s effort during the pandemic was appreciated, even when not used by me. Perhaps some of this could now be used on those `Forum tweaks` ?

Peter_Bull With reference to your statement [i said:
‘[/i]The simple answer to this is most don’t because it’s easier and less time consuming and, in some instances, more effective to use other formats. E.g a post on Instagram can be automatically duplicated on both Facebook and Twitter at the click of a button’ You summed it up nicely ‘easier and less time consuming’ and that is exactly where I came from in my post about the lack of engagement. Any committed official would take an extra two minutes to post on here. But of course it’s so easy to say ‘I can’t be bothered to do a few more clicks’.

On the topic of posting pictures. Sure I concede that it’s not as easy as the likes FB or eBay but it’s not really hard is it? There are two ways to do it and it is so easy! The trouble is people are used to doing things the ‘easy’ way like drag and drop etc. and don’t bother reading the instructions.

Thankfully we both have the same interests in pursuing what if good for the club.

What a contradiction in terms?? Why make it hard when there could be an easier way. Why give cars self cancelling indicators when all you have to do is remember to do it yourself-one could go on for ever!
I use the forum as much as possible but I don't every respond to involve a planing meeting with myself.

A good example is posting a simple technical item in response to someone else's post or query but wanting to add previously taken pegs or or ones taken there & then spontaneously.
It's just so awkward to do so ,I don't bother.

Ive better things to do with the time than assemble the pics on a hosting site,resize them etc
"Where there is discord, let me bring union. Where there is error, let me bring truth. Where there is doubt, let me bring faith. Where there is despair, let me bring hope."??
Or let there be forum inactivity.
alastairp said:
Now look at what you’ve gone and started Brian.??

I started nothing :ROFLMAO: merely commenting on how little the R1 forum was being used BT BUSBY said ... It's good to talk ..
If nothing else it certainly has got folk talking that's for sure ..
Surely the responsibility for the Region pages falls in the remit of the RO's? Part of their role is to update Members in their Region of what is happening (or not) and to keep them enthused as much as possible? The Forum content is a task they took on with their role similar to a monthly Porsche Post article and MailChimp eShots and should be 'managed' by a Club employee or the Director responsible for the RO's to make sure that this is being done.

A quick look shows some worrying trends by certain Regions.


R2 - August 24th
R27 - January 13th [8|]
R6 - August 3rd
R22 - July 20th
R11 - June 11th
R12 - July 30th
R24 - June 6th
R23 - April 23rd
R29 - 2016!!!
R31 - July 30th

Yes it is easier to post on a Facebook page but the way the Club has set these up only the RO (or authorised person) can post for all to see. Members upload a post and it disappears into a black hole that is not easily found by anyone and certainly isn't visible without searching into the depths of the page.

Think it is a bit unfair to put the onus on the RO 's after all the forum is for all paid up member to post a subject article or event on ,the RO is not a paid position ,although some members think it is ,It is not easy keeping all the balls in the air at once. .As you pointed out some regions are not as proactive as others as in any club environment .Other media is used by many and is easier to use .Mailchimp is a fast way of getting news out to members ,but anything the RO puts in has to go to HQ to be vetted for content , and it is they who send out the emails .Trying to post pics is not easy, so I do not even try just use WA on other platforms to post pics . This thread has certainly brought out many interesting posts and remarks ,

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The opinions expressed on this site are not necessarily those of the Club, who shall have no liability in respect of them or the accuracy of the content. The Club assumes no responsibility for any effects arising from errors or omissions.

Porsche Club Great Britain gives no warranties, guarantees or assurances and makes no representations or recommendations regarding any goods or services advertised on this site. It is the responsibility of visitors to satisfy themselves that goods and/or services supplied by any advertiser are bona fide and in no instance can the Porsche Club Great Britain be held responsible.

When responding to advertisements please ensure that you satisfy yourself of any applicable call charges on numbers not prefixed by usual "landline" STD Codes. Information can be obtained from the operator or the white pages. Before giving out ANY information regarding cars, or any other items for sale, please satisfy yourself that any potential purchaser is bona fide.

Directors of the Board of Porsche Club GB, Club Office Staff, Register Secretaries and Regional Organisers are often requested by Club members to provide information on matters connected with their cars and other matters referred to in the Club Rules. Such information, advice and assistance provided by such persons is given in good faith and is based on the personal experience and knowledge of the individual concerned.

Neither Porsche Club GB, nor any of the aforementioned, shall be under any liability in respect of any such information, advice or assistance given to members. Members are advised to consult qualified specialists for information, advice and assistance on matters connected with their cars at all times.
