Active member
kitchens said:Think it is a bit unfair to put the onus on the RO 's after all the forum is for all paid up member to post a subject article or event on ,the RO is not a paid position ,although some members think it is ,It is not easy keeping all the balls in the air at once. .As you pointed out some regions are not as proactive as others as in any club environment .Other media is used by many and is easier to use .Mailchimp is a fast way of getting news out to members ,but anything the RO puts in has to go to HQ to be vetted for content , and it is they who send out the emails .Trying to post pics is not easy, so I do not even try just use WA on other platforms to post pics . This thread has certainly brought out many interesting posts and remarks ,
Sorry, but the onus should be on RO's as part of their responsibility is to inform their Members what is happening in that particular Region.
Yes, Members can add posts but the RO is the person or people responsible for giving information on events, news and Head Office Regional specific updates via all formats. To blame the Members for a lack of content is wrong as most Members expect their RO to lead and provide them with things to attend. If they are unable or unwilling to do this then maybe they should step aside and pass the baton onto someone else who will be more proactive?
I understand it is an unpaid role but plenty of RO's are in the position for the kudos and status and have forgotten the reason they took the role on in the first place, and in some. cases are unwilling to step down! The issue stems from the Board who have still not given an exact Job Description and expectations for RO's and RS's to follow which would allow them to be managed.
Sorry, this has deviated from the original subject matter about forum usage, but it is all part of the same problem that RO's and RS's are not being held accountable for the content they deliver to the Members.