7pm it will be rather dark Tom! [
Yes, still Reading. Sadly not going anywhere for a few days though as been in bed with the flu this week. Next week I should be back up and fighting though.
I need to find some good routes around me. We have a few great ones but crappy ones connecting them. And even if you are on a great road, if there is traffic then it totally spoils the fun.
Shame nothing on here near us: http://www.drivingroads.co.uk/index.php
Yes, still Reading. Sadly not going anywhere for a few days though as been in bed with the flu this week. Next week I should be back up and fighting though.
I need to find some good routes around me. We have a few great ones but crappy ones connecting them. And even if you are on a great road, if there is traffic then it totally spoils the fun.
Shame nothing on here near us: http://www.drivingroads.co.uk/index.php