Bit of an update guys because I know you lot like to look at pictures. I went to Donny on Saturday and the inside of the car looked like pretty normal again as I put the seats and front carpet back in for the MOT on Thursday (flew through). The carpets fitted OK without the sound deadening pads.
It was a noisy drive up to Donny, we both had sore throats from all the shouting [

]. Thing is you get used to it after a while and the car seems to feel a lot more airy without the rear trim.
Anyways car now in my brothers hands which meant we set at it on Sunday. Didn't have much time to weigh the bits taken off but I can say the bonnet and rear hatch are shockingly heavy, defo a 2 man job. Next time you see more pictures I will try and weigh various bits but as he has been at the car for a week by then unfortunately you guys will likely only see a stripped shell. This is what the car looked like after a couple of hours with my brother on Sunday, he does work shockingly fast [

Shockingly this box holds much of the stuff from the back of the car that will be going back on
Loads to follow over the Easter weekend when I will be helping to remove the Engine, Gearbox, doors and suspension. By this evening he has stripped off all the lights and mechanisms, bumpers, rest of the interior as above, everything under the dash and the dash itself.