I'm gutted to read this and to find another Porsche owner having such a mockery of ownership- from new!
We refused a car that my wife purchased, a cabriolet that the roof kept leaking on us- we gave them the 3 chance to fix it(each time writing a letter) and the final time we said we were rejecting the car due to ongoing issues with it. After a lot of discussions with the dealership and a knock on the purchase cost as we did have to accept that it was sort of fit for purpose- as in being a mode of safe transport during the time we had it.
This was after six months of ownership bearing in mind it only leaked when it rained...
They had 28 days to put it right or replace it but I'm sure the legal eagles here will tell you that bit.
If you've set the solicitors loose then I guess that stops the dealer from speaking directly to you. [
It pains me that the forum rules dictate that we have to remove the name of the supplying dealer but from past experience by removing the name it allows this thread to stay alive and be of benefit to yourself and other potential owners in a similar situation- and I applaud you for your understanding in such this situation.
Sadly your question regarding free speech went out the door with the sue society and solicitors... [:'(]
I hope the dealer does see sense in the end, we know they read these forums..
We refused a car that my wife purchased, a cabriolet that the roof kept leaking on us- we gave them the 3 chance to fix it(each time writing a letter) and the final time we said we were rejecting the car due to ongoing issues with it. After a lot of discussions with the dealership and a knock on the purchase cost as we did have to accept that it was sort of fit for purpose- as in being a mode of safe transport during the time we had it.
This was after six months of ownership bearing in mind it only leaked when it rained...
They had 28 days to put it right or replace it but I'm sure the legal eagles here will tell you that bit.
If you've set the solicitors loose then I guess that stops the dealer from speaking directly to you. [
It pains me that the forum rules dictate that we have to remove the name of the supplying dealer but from past experience by removing the name it allows this thread to stay alive and be of benefit to yourself and other potential owners in a similar situation- and I applaud you for your understanding in such this situation.
Sadly your question regarding free speech went out the door with the sue society and solicitors... [:'(]
I hope the dealer does see sense in the end, we know they read these forums..