When this Club forum started back in January 2003 it was all very new to PCGB and I believe the then Directors were a little concerned with the potental for anarchy on such an open format. The forum rules were drawn up at that point and we have all clicked on an 'Accept' button when we joined. As each section was formed a Moderator had to volunteer to keep an eye on that section and I stepped forward to start the 944 forum.
In the very early days we lost Bert Gear as a regular contributor to the forum as he had a web address in his signature, and one of the Directors objected. Despite our best efforts we haven't been able to tempt him back, and this is despite Bert being the official 944 Technical Rep for as many years as I can remember (probably since the motor car was invented [

]). I see no reason why web addresses shouldn't be allowed in signatures - if anything it warns members about a potential 'bias' when a supplier is giving advice.
My personal view disagrees almost entirely with the commercial rules as I believe any forum should be as open and as free as possible, and in the early days I let virtually all commercial posts stand as long as they were a benefit to our members. Maybe I am just a very lax moderator but I don't think we had single instance of moderation in the 944 section for the first two years and I think it all ran very well. Saying that, if anyone had complained directly to me then I would have looked in to it for them. I agree that it's time the rules were relaxed a little, but if anyone takes advantage of this or my good nature they should be slapped severely (preferably by someone other than me as I'm only little [

To date, I think I have personally moderated about 5 posts and whenever I do I let the person involved know why and I also copy in John and Paul my fellow Moderators. They do likewise as well, and I think I can count all of their moderations on one hand each so we are not talking about a huge clandestine Big Brother operation here.
If the general consensus of most members is that the commercial rules should be relaxed then I think they should be relaxed, a Club is for it's members anyway. However, Traders also need to realise that if they start taking commercial advantage of members then there will be an obvious backlash, and it will be done in the public domain in front of many hundreds of readers. This is a good thing for us members as it should focus the mind and keep vendors on their toes. One case of bad publicity can destroy a reputation no matter how helpful they have been beforehand [8|]
If anyone wants to use other forums then I think you'll find that most of us regulars are already on them, it's a small saddo world that we inhabit [

] Long live the 944 anorak!