At the moment, it may seem to some as if I am part of some kind of witch hunt.
I would like to assure eveyone that I am not.
What I am, is, I am in an impossible situation.... People bring their cars to me to have them fixed... When I spot a problem, they expect me to tell them about the problem and put it right...
With the recent 968 which is being used as an example on this thread, the tensioner was correctly setup by the previous garage, which is all to often not set up correctly, even by main dealers.
It was an idler which is not intended to be in contact with the balance belt which was at fault, it had a gap which was too wide. No harm was done by this, and I can understand how it can happen or its use can be missunderstood... Its not something I would ridicule a company for doing, as I could see why they may think it should be installed in the way they had installed it, and its method of installation, right or wrong, showed they were thinking about what they were doing.
I would love to go into detail about the pressures that an independent specialist is under, pressures where you have a diary booked up weeks in advance, yet can never predict how the next job will go... a simple service could turn into an engine rebuild, a simple brake job can turn into a caliper rebuild and the next car is going to be arriving and expected back to its owner at the times agreed a month ago... So whoever made this mistake, may have been distracted, under pressure or any number of reasons, but I am sure it was not done with any malicious intent, or because they lack skill... If they lacked skill, working on the one of the worlds more complicated cars (porsche) they would have far more complaints than they get.
The moderators of this forum are also under pressure and in an impossible situation... I think they do a great job (an unpaid job at that!)
The person that everyone seems to be gunning for does not seem to be abusing this forum in any way, I do not know anything about his previous charge of abuse, as I came into this forum after it all stopped... So if he was abusing it, he has learned from it and has stopped... So any discussion about his abuse is now academic.
My personal feeling is maybe this thread should be permanantly put to bed, deleted, and maybe the rules drafted and put as a sticky subject at the top of the thread list, and closed so no comments can be added, then anyone who does not agree with them can complain either in a separate thread, or direct to the moderators.
While I am at it... before this subject goes even more off topic, I know I can not spell and do not use grammer in its correct context!