ORIGINAL: Riverside
I refer readers to my earlier comments about second-hand information and taking them for what you think they are worth.
Are you a member on 968UK? If so check out the this thread http://www.porsche968uk.co.uk/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=4350 where someone has stood up to be counted with first hand experience of incorrect belt fitment. This is not an isolated case and if you don't believe that ask yourself how on earth only one car could be done completely wrong in a two man workshop. The reason it was done wrong is simple - the "specialists" concerned aren't and in the absence of proper training or experience gained by working with someone who knows the cars they work from the book, which unfortunately has an error in the translation from the original German to English such that if the instructions are followed literally the tensioner is fitted incorrectly. That suggests to me that for a period (still?) every car they did the belts on has a problem. We even had an arrogant post from one representative saying 95% of other specialists did the belts wrong. Now on one level that is funny because it's a ludicous statement that would surely get most of us thinking that's pretty unlikely, but it also pretty much proves to me that they were not only doing it wrong themselves, but didn't have the nous to realise they might be the ones making the mistake in the face of those odds.
I know you don't like to hear it, but there will soon be empirical evidence of the true level of customer service on offer made very public. The facts are indesputable, a legal decision has been made and it's only the final impact that is to be decided, but it is not appropriate for me to lay out the details until the customer in question feels it is appropriate. If you think that means it's not worth considering then that is your choice. If even one other potential punter thinks different and decides to go elsewhere then I think it was worth raising the subject as far as possible now.
A good example of just what I was describing earlier. The OP's opinion is worth more than yours on that thread Fen, and the OP's description is itself taken from a competitor of Promax that I have no direct experience of (but read good things about) as I stated earlier. My point is that people can make up their own mind, they don't need (and I don't want) you to try to draw conclusions for them (me). This isn't a tabloid newspaper Fen, it's a forum for people who own expensive toys, it's safe to assume they are all intelligent enough to work out what company 'makes good chips'.
In the interests of balance it's worth me adding that I had my belts & water pump done early this year & I have no reason to question how it was done by the company that services my car, and I took it to the place I felt was most likely to do that job best. That doesn't mean I thought anyone else would do a bad job.