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The wait is over

Yes, WUF is now owned by the sideways one [;)]

I had owned WUF for 10 years and several tens of thousands of pounds. I realised a few weeks ago that I had only done under 700 miles since the last MOT in June last year so I let logic get the better of my heart and decided that WUF should be passed on.

As a 4th car it just didn't get used - most of my milage over the last 3 years has been in the Range Rover commuting to various racing circuits. Rather than let WUF sit in the garage and rot I had a good think about a number of options;

Carry on development to even more power. Lots of money with the liklihood that I wouldn't get to drive any more miles than last year so very hard to justify. WUF had been 100% reliable in the current 400BHP state of tune and since Weltmeister had ceased trading a couple of years ago it would have cost me a lot of money in renting another dyno for the power mapping and a lot odf time tweaking the road manners if I made any significant changes. The current tune opf the cars was about as good as it was possible to get so the law of diminishing returns came heavily in to play.

Sell through a site like pistonheads - really far too much hassle with every wannabe asking for test drives.

Sell to someone who already knew the car and had always wanted it.

Having decided on the latter choice I had several options. The first person that I spoke to was Ben and a deal in principle was reached in about 2 minutes flat!!

Having just had baby-WUF serviced (cambelts etc) and put through the MOT I had swapped over WUF a couple of days previously to have the cam belts changed and a service / preparation for MOT etc.

I curently use and highly recommend NineX Motorsport in Maidenhead. They really know the 944/986 inside out, being experienced racers in the Porsche Club race series over the last few years and looking after a number of the leading cars. They have a cracking workshop in Maidenhead and work on all kinds of other Porsche exotica.

Ninex pulled out all the stops despite being in the middle of the race calendar and a race meeting to make time to get WUF prepared for the new owner to collect the car from me in time to make the journey to the LeMans classic this week. My thanks to James and Andy at Ninex for all the hours thay put in and Andy for trailoring WUF back to me so that I could get the new MOT and tax disk on Wednesday so that Ben could collect WUF on Wednedsay night. I can only imagine the stress that Ben was going through when the M1 was shut on his way down due to an accident[:D][:D]

WUF finally passed out of my ownership at about 10 O'clock on Wednesday night along with a huge box of paperwork. I really didn't want to look at all the parts invoices that have made Dave Lindsey's retirement fund what it is today (reference to Lindsey Racing in Oklahoma)! [:(]

So it was with great sadness that I watched the sideways one drive off in to the distance and the passing of ownership of a car that I had greatly enjoyed for ten years. I know that he will get real enjoyment out of WUF as I had, and will certainly get far more use than I have over the last few years.

Unfortunately this racing game takes up far too many weekends at race circuits and leaves very little to spare for the more social events like some of the major club events and small 944 meets. However I'm not deserting the fold and hope to have more time very soon when I've finished a number of concurrent projects of a far less exciting nature!

Good luck to Ben and I know that you'll all still hear WUF coming but, from a different direction.
Ben will be the happiest 944 turbo owner I know and I do fully understand why you have parted company.

We have a similar problem with the 3 litre 944 turbo we built and that was recently tested in 911 & Porsche World.

It is just sitting in the showroom now - unused - while we embark on building a new 16 valve version more suited to track use.

It seems such a shame to leave it gathering dust so it will be following your example soon and being offered for sale to anyone keen enough to enjoy it, value it and look after it - for a very modest fee.

It was good to prove several points building it and good to see it on the track and so well spoken about in the magazine - but after all that the new project is all we think about and the one after that that is presently being considered.

They take a lot of time to build and a lot of money to make but they never dissapoint at the end - so I agree they are best used and enjoyed for us the experience is over.

Best of luck in the future.

Congratulations guys. I totally agree it's best to pass this sort of car down the line to someone who know's it's owner and lineage. When I first started in on this modded 951 crazyness I marvelled at Rick's site and all the modifications done to WUF. Also how well documented it was. I have even been behind Rick in WUF for a short journey while sitting next to Nick in his LHD 993 on the way from the Ace Cafe into London. Quite a sight indeed. I certainly hope you can have some fun in the new toy Ben, uninterrupted by the Boys in Blue. Sounds like the hp is a bit peaky too so be very careful in the wet.

As ever, get some pics and videos. [:D]
Hi Guys[:D][:)][:D]

1400miles and less than a week into my ownership I feel rather connected to this car already. I'm far more in love with it now than when I first picked it up and I've learnt a lot more of its character. Its amazing how you adapt to a new car, my driving style has had to change significantly.

I've already had a nice chat with the boys in blue across the boarder who were luckily fans of the car and decided to fine me £90 for speeds that others we spoke to over the weekend had had their cars impounded for!

The car is an amazing credit to Rick not only managing to stay cool in a 40*c heat wave when I was going pass out, the car remained at 100*c oil and perfectly cool water/exhaust. Even driven 'spiritedly' for much of the time, the car remained steady as a rock. It idles and cruses in traffic like a daily runner (which it now is) and only used 3litres more per 40ltr fill up than the 325i BMW I was in convoy with who was showing 29mpg on his trip computer.

Besides the obvious advantages of the engine, which on full boost at night when the air is cool, has the ability to throw the car around like a weightless object, skipping across the surface with intermittent tiny bursts of wheel spin like a powerboat skips over water. The most amazing and seldom mentioned attribute of the car is the handling. It is exactly what I like in a car, zero under steer, neutral balance and a back end you can depend on. It dives into corners with such enthusiasm you really do have to question if the front wheel will fold under the car, then on exit (even if the boost is building hard) the back end seems to put an unrealistic amount of traction through those 285 section tyres. I've only had it sideways once when I was just a bit too keen on the throttle in 2nd.

Well that's all the good now time for a little bit of down to earth stuff.[&o] I need to get the rot on the wings and sills seen to asap where its sat for a while and is starting to go does anyone know a really good body shop in the Midlands with a courtesy car? I don't want to be ripped off with supercar prices but I do really want to get it done right, and by someone who can work with fibreglass wings. I know a guy but it would mean going without a car for a month!

Mechanically Hartech have had a look down the bores for me and she's all good but she's smoking rather heavily under full boost so I suspect the turbo may need re-building (I would replace it for a more modern BB type but it would mean changing all the mapping Rick has done and it just doesn't need any more power). That's going on my to do list after the bodywork.

Lastly it has an odd quirk with the clutch which I still think may be a leak in the hydraulic system somewhere. Its getting clutch slip off the line and when changing gear but not under full load in 3rd and fourth when you'd most expect it. It may be it just needs a stronger clutch plate but that will be done in time.
Good to read you enjoy it.
That it made so many troublefree miles in this heat just shows how well sorted it is.

Will be interested to hear if the turbo if the real culprit for the smoke.
What sort of clutch plate is on the car now?
Mark - yes must be very similar to your car as it shares a lot of the same basic parts. Also yes probably was me.

TTM - I'm afraid I haven't even started to look at the technical side and try to figure things out yet. Just been driving it so far. Will report soon once I know more.

Car has just been dropped off at the bodyshop to get the rust sorted. Decided I just wanted it done. Now just need to source the front wings to go on it.
Front wings ordered through pro 9 [:)] I'm going away for 2 weeks now and he hopes to have it back pretty close to that date ..I know garages (and them) so we shall see. But they do a very nice job. I left her parked next to an LP640 and a F430 so will be back here to post up pics on my return! You'll barely recognise her [:D]

I had fibreglass wings fitted recently up here in Scotland "¦ I was originally quoted two weeks but it actually took more like five. The guys did a fantastic job, but the preparation and drying times made it a very slow process.

They primed, sanded flat and re-primed eight times in total before being satisfied with the finish! All to do with air leeching out of the fibreglass as the drying paint generates heat, resulting in minute air bubbles in the primer.
Well done Ben. Nice to see Ricks car again. When I first got my car I followed its progress with great interest and was the reason I kept my car for 6 yrs and modified it when my original plan was to keep it for 1 yr. Looking forward to reading more running reports.
MMm, I only met the car once ( and the owner ) but I'd have bought it.

I have been after something a bit differnet for ages [:D]

You lucky boy , enjoy

Congrats! Looks a very nice piece of automobile you've got there.

I don't know the car but I can tell it's a bag full of fun just by the pics.

Update. I'm back from holiday, wings only arrived on tue so it'll be a little while before the car is done yet but rust on the sills has turned out to be as expected rather than worse which is a nice surprise.

You can't argue with the price but I'm afraid my bodyshop man cannot recommend the wings on quality. He's actually weighing up the option of making his own and not charging me because he thinks it might be easier than trying to even out the thickness differences and correct the profile on the ones supplied.

The badge panel (I forget the name of the guy I got it from) he said is much better and more what he was hoping to see:)

Thankfully he's not the kind to make a fuss so he's just getting on with it now and hopes to have it flatted and ready in primer by the end of next week [:)][:)] looking forward very much to driving it again.

p.s. thanks to undisclosed forum member I may now also have solved the oil burning issue. All is going well so far fingers crossed[:D]



Thankfully he's not the kind to make a fuss so he's just getting on with it now and hopes to have it flatted and ready in primer by the end of next week [:)][:)] looking forward very much to driving it again.

Pop round when it's all done Ben, I'd love to see WUF again and I'll be needing some work on the S2 later in the year so would like to see how he's got on with yours

WHAT... RICK's sold WUF?????... NOOOOOoooooo.... I don't know, I go quite for a little while and one of the boy's sells his car..... Tony, Paul,John... don't do the same.. you hear me..... I have enough trouble justifying to my wife how much time and money I spend on my car... at least I can say you guy's still have

Well hope you don't become a stranger Rick...[:)]

To Ben I say well done sir, enjoy and keep that smile on your face, a 944 will do that anyway but one that's been set up like Rick's can only broaden that smile...[:)][:D]


To Ben I say well done sir, enjoy and keep that smile on your face, a 944 will do that anyway but one that's been set up like Rick's can only broaden that smile...[:)][:D]


Peter!! I have a HUGE grin[:D][:D][:D] nothing like a turbo in full flight to put a smile on your face and get the adrehnalin flowing. Don't worry WUF is still in the fold and I have no plans to let this one go. I was only wondering about you and your car today as I was scrolling through my phonebook looking for a number. Good to hear from you how's your old girl doing? Is she showing any signs of the dreaded rot that seems to be afflicting every 944 I've seen lately![:(]

Paul I reckon you'll be impressed. I've used them before and there's a reason their workshop is always rammed with exotics. People trust them to do a proper job.

Only trouble is they'll only do a proper job! I took it for a quote just to get the front wings and sills done he said he wouldn't do the wings without doing the bonnet because it'd look crap, he would probably do the doors if he was doing the sides and would have to go into the rear wings anyway to blend so he might as well do a full re-spray and make it a proper job. It all made such sense I couldn't help but agree, I'll be pleased when it's done though and she looks all new. Doing the whole thing in one means they're stripping the car properly and doing it right.

As for those wings they can work on a road car, he said he wont settle for it not looking right but its going to take him a lot of work skimming and filling/blocking back etc. I have faith he'll get it looking right.


Good to hear from you how's your old girl doing? Is she showing any signs of the dreaded rot that seems to be afflicting every 944 I've seen lately!

She's doing well, all cars have to watch out for the dredded rot, I try to keep on top of these things, since the full respray done over 10 years ago now she has had to go back to the bodyshop for a few things. These include , replaced nearside sill, new rear wing bought at same time although i didn't replace the whole wing, only used it to take the bottom part off to replace a rusted bit on the original wing( not sure i'd do it that way today as it cost me £800 for a wing that I used very little Front drivers wing has had bad patch fixed in last 18 months and I was advised that the nearside front wing would also need doing in the near future. Other than those the car is very good, should be the amount of time and money put into

One day though once I finally move out of London to hopefully a rural retreat with either double garage or workshop I plan to completely strip her down and restore her to the condition that she deserves, don't tell SWMBO though...[8|] This would also give me the opportunity to rebuild the engine and get rid of those annoying oil leaks. Front crank seal has gone again ( 3 time) both rear balance shaft seals need doing although there is a temp fix that I did some years ago, but I must do it properly one day and can only do so with the engine out. There are countless things that I want to do to the car and not all involve my never ending search for more power.

BTW recent changes include high rate fuel pump ( full flow would drain a full 80 ltr tank in 18 mins....eeeeek) Racing spec fuel pressure regulator from FSE ( for those who follow my car, the last few bad dyno runs where probably down to this one item) OH and that big air intake conversion that I was going to let you guy's know about ( remember to reduce intake temps recorded on last two power runs) was done some time ago and a great success. Mind you it's getting very, very crowded in my engine bay..but hey the bonnet still shuts so room for more yet......hehe


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