New member
BTW recent changes include high rate fuel pump ( full flow would drain a full 80 ltr tank in 18 mins....eeeeek)
Sounds like some interesting developments. Glad to hear your keeping on the maintenance work too. I remember your car as being stunning condition when I saw it many years ago at the Ace Cafe.
I've been trying to learn a bit more about the workings of WUF now and do a bit more investigation as to why the power curve is so different. When you put it next to a regular 944 graph its like a totally different car where all other 944 projects tend to follow the same shape. He's somehow solved the problem of the torque dropping off at the top end but lost the usual early peak area which makes the torque bigger than the hp in other turbos. The only mechanical difference areas I can see compared with other mofidied 944s I've owned and studied are the cams which are not something usually done and the unique setup with the wastegate.
The twin solonoid valve is unique to a 944 I think (not relevent but apparently has the ability not only to hold the wastegate shut very effectively but also to force it open instantaneously if required. Meaning it can dump boost very quickly when you throttle off.) In adition to the different control method the wastegate is a Tial item which should help flatten the boost curve on its own and the wategate dumps to the atmosphere rather than back into the exhaust which could support the theory of too much exhaust backpressure in the standard setup being the limiting factor for top end power.
The LR75 turbo has the standard KKK26/8 hotside so there's no difference to the exhaust restriction there. Though me guess would be its the character of the turbo that has removed the peak. I feel pretty sure a BB turbo would see a bit lift in mid range torque as well as giving a bit more power at the top end.. I just can't be bothered to go down that route at the moment. It's really nice to drive as it is and Rick has put in an unimaginable amount of time to get the mapping just right for drivability as well as power. I don't fancy the task of having to alter it all for a new turbo right now.