For what it's worth I noticed a significant reduce in oil contamination in the intake since I fitted an oil catch can. Mine doesn't vent to atmosphere though, is in closed loop with the intake.
Me too actually, and mine also recircs, but I do still get oil in mist on the intake pipes, just takes longer to form - think a catch can is well worth having just because of the metal pipe under the intake. This gets full of carbon and rusty scale and if any comes loose it goes straight into the turbo intake with the standard set up.
I dont actually have any experience of it but I remember one of the criticisms of K&N and similar filters is the oil can destroy hot wire MAFs - the internet wisdom is oil gets on the MAF gets hot and carbonises destroying the MAF and if there is enough oil escaping a filter it doesnt take much. If its true its a shame as otherwise that cold filter set up looks great! And with the MAF there you get air temp after IC as it goes into the engine, which I guess in the standard position there is a carefully calculated 'guess factor' as to how efficient the turbo and IC is.