I have read all the posts and as an impartial onlooker. I can see that certain people who have offered information and advice thinking you were a private enthusiast buyer looking for that dream RS, may have had their noses put out of joint in thinking your RS may now be up for sale at a profit in your other role as car dealer.
I think the posts relating to your new RS now being up for sale are referencing the link to in Carreraboy's post.
Every club member, and lots of non-members, are welcome to contribute on the 964RS forum (it's a busy, knowledgeable and very interesting place to hang out). You asked for forum member's opinions, and information was freely given by people who believed they were offering information to a fellow Porsche RS enthusiast just as they have done loads of times before.
You've already said you didn't use the information offered on the forum in your purchasing decision - but I'm sure you can accept that some people here might feel you are in the process of taking advantage of their input (whether you used the information or not).
Your relationship with this forum could have been beneficial to both your business and forum members - you never know, it might still.
You have said 2 posts above this that the car is "not for sale".
Is the car you've recently purchased the red one that now appears to be advertised for sale (or coming soon, which implies it is actually for sale but just not yet in stock) on the Performance Legends website? If it is the same car, it is easy to see why some people may now be upset.
If Performance Legends is your business perhaps a little transparency on the forum at the start would have set the ground rules for this thread. Contributers could have then made their own decision to take part or not. There are several dealers who regularly contribute here, either asking for information, or sharing their knowledge - it's just regular contributers
know that they are dealers who also happen to be enthusiasts.
Welcome to the 964RS forum! Funny things these RS's - they kind of get under your skin, and stir much deeper emotions than your average performance car. [