Further on the DSC suspension controller, I have written a number of maps which change the damper hardness range on both Normal and Sport settings and plan to test these out at Silverstone on March 19. It is a sessioned day with a 20 minute runs each hour so it works quite well forcing me to plan the testing and allowing time to reflect on the results with each setting. It is easy to change maps on the car using a laptop connected to the DSC box's USB port. I can also log damper behaviour in the context of G, speed and brake pedal pressure, although this data is nor presented in a particularly user-friendly way so it's best to review this after the track day.
On mapping, I have only changed damper settings, rather than any of the other several hundred parameters to limit the variables. Bilstein dampers normally work between 1500ma (full soft) and 500ma (hard) although staff on the Bilstein stand at Autosport told me they work down to near 0ma. The standard settings on the DSC box are front between 1500ma and 500ma with rears 1500ma and 600ma, rears being slightly softer. The DSC box allows ma to be set for each of 32 positions for each of the four dampers over the softest to hardest range. Happily one can enter the hardest and softest values for each damper and the software will pro-rata populate the other fields. The minimum change to really feel much difference is 150ma so I am starting with Normal and Sport maps that are significantly different and have others to try which hopefully will allow my "ranging" to identify an optimum map for Silverstone.
The DSC box replaces the PASM controller and sits on the CanBus. Depending on inputs (e.g. LongG, LatG, braking, throttle) it looks to the mapping and decides what ma goes to each damper (e.g. to give firmer front on braking, softer rear on acceleration, firmer loaded front on corner entry etc). The DSC box can respond to inputs in around 6ms but is somewhat constrained by Bilsteins (I have B16 coil-over damptronics) which would be an order of magnitude slower to respond and can't respond mid-stroke. Having said that, the DSC box has made a difference over the standard PASM which seems to use a narrower range of damper settings on the 981/991 platform.