Mike Moore
and still nothing that resembles an official statement from the PCGB, incredible!
ORIGINAL: Mark Bennett
Is this not an almost identical issue of what happended to the Londons RO ??[&:] (Fab)
Fab was Thames Valley RO - Johannes was the London RO...
ORIGINAL: Mark Bennett
Is this not an almost identical issue of what happended to the Londons RO ??[&:] (Fab)
Fab was Thames Valley RO - Johannes was the London RO...
OK, someone down South...[] but my points still valid [8|]
Is it the the case that once you are appointed Register Secretary it's job for life unless you resign, leave PCGB or sell your car?
Other positions within PCGB seem to have term limits or you have to be periodically re-elected every few years. Can't believe this doesn't apply to Register Secretaries..
IMO Register Secretaries should face re-election every so often (say 3 years) and in addition the full board should have the power to remove them.
ORIGINAL: Bertroex
If PCGB would be called "the Southern chapter of UK dealer supplied RHD factory delivered porsche vehicles with a taste for gentle drives from one Castle to another Michelin Restaurant whilst receiving a free jetwash at the hosting porsche centre(for cars still under factory warranty)", would you feel inclined to be part of it?
ORIGINAL: pauljmcnulty
Is it the the case that once you are appointed Register Secretary it's job for life unless you resign, leave PCGB or sell your car?
Other positions within PCGB seem to have term limits or you have to be periodically re-elected every few years. Can't believe this doesn't apply to Register Secretaries..
IMO Register Secretaries should face re-election every so often (say 3 years) and in addition the full board should have the power to remove them.
You're making two very large and very wrong assumptions here....
Firstly, in my experience less than 10% of my Register are in any way interested in getting involved. If you look at the votes for the last contested Board positions the point is proved....[]
The other point is that the volunteers are often the only people who've offered to do the job. I'm sure that many of us would willingly hand over if a better candidate came along! [8|]
Who would want to do any of the club officials' jobs for life [&:][&:][&:]...........1/ Once given the position as Register Secretary is it yours for life?
If an RS or RS does not do the job properly, I am sure the Board of Directors will take any necessary action to ask this person to step down and seek a replacement. There was such a case earlier this year with Region 19.2/ Is there any mechanism to challenge the current holder of the position?
1/ Once given the position as Register Secretary is it yours for life?
2/ Is there any mechanism to challenge the current holder of the position?
ORIGINAL: pauljmcnulty
More importantly, if anyone feels they have the skills to do the job better, then the first step would be to get involved, perhaps an an assistant? I'm sure that most of the people in volunteer roles would be happy to have someone there to both help and to take over when the time is right?
i stupidly thought that the silence ment a suitable replacement R/O had been found [:-]ORIGINAL: Mike Moore
Stupidly, I had assumed that the silence on this thread from Register Director Robin Walker over the replacement of Philip Taysom as Register Secretary, was because
he would be making a full statement to answer all the questions from concerned members in this months Porsche Post.
Of course you guessed, not a word!
He does of course mention he is standing down from his position, I wonder if there's a connection?
The PCGB Chairman has been asked to look into the situation, I see he's keeping his head down as well........
Hello to all of you patient Early 911 Register members. I can now say that as of today 25th October 2007 the position of Register Secretary for the Early 911 Register is now vacant. If any of you are interested in filling the post I would like you to send me by e-mail some brief details about yourself along with your proposed programme of things you plan to arrange or organise for the Early 911 Register members and their cars. Be advised that I have temporarily taken over the Registers e-mail address of 911@porscheclubgb.com, or you could send it to register@porscheclubgb.com. Following receipt of your proposals I will telephone you to discuss your application further. Please note that I will not be discussing the role with the individual applicants on the Forum, so the members on the Forum can continue with their interesting but often poorly informed posts about the matter. I will however announce any developments here when I can do so. Lets hope we can find someone who can really enhance the Register and make it really worthwhile to belong.
Hello to all of you patient Early 911 Register members. I can now say that as of today 25th October 2007 the position of Register Secretary for the Early 911 Register is now vacant. If any of you are interested in filling the post I would like you to send me by e-mail some brief details about yourself along with your proposed programme of things you plan to arrange or organise for the Early 911 Register members and their cars. Be advised that I have temporarily taken over the Registers e-mail address of 911@porscheclubgb.com, or you could send it to register@porscheclubgb.com. Following receipt of your proposals I will telephone you to discuss your application further. Please note that I will not be discussing the role with the individual applicants on the Forum, so the members on the Forum can continue with their interesting but often poorly informed posts about the matter. I will however announce any developments here when I can do so. Lets hope we can find someone who can really enhance the Register and make it really worthwhile to belong.
God forbid the 964RS register and forum loses all its support here otherwise I'd not even login to PCGB or bother with the club at all.
Darn, that rules me out then [][][]ORIGINAL: jason
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