Neil Haughey
New member
ORIGINAL: 333pg333
Interesting point Neil. Some people are methodical in their driving, and others are instinctive. I have felt like I can get faster because I have always been a 'feel' driver which I will use the term reactive, whereas I think of methodical guys who have prescribed braking and turn in points down to a tiny irregularity in the bitumen as pro-active. Hence I have come to believe that my way is fast on the street or perhaps in a racing environment where you are dealing with a bunch of jostling cars. However I also sort of agree with you that when you are not thinking but just moving forwards at a rapid rate, that this can also be very quick.
When you see footage of yourself from an in car video and all the little shifts and shimmys of the wheel, you realise that it's all instinctive and reactive. How can it be anything else. Sure there are visual cues but even doing lap dashes in single file one finds oneself taking different lines throughout the day.
Which method is right??? That is the question. Perhaps a combination of both.
ORIGINAL: Neil Haughey
I haven't raced yet either but something I have learned from my small amount of karting is that if your having to think about the driving and the lines your nowhere. This became abundantly apparent to me a couple of years back when my arms got tired and I had to do the last dozen or so laps on instinct. To my surprise when I looked at the time sheet afterwards all those laps where not only my fastest but within 0.3 seconds of each other. You go faster when you think less. Hopefully if I can get the same smoothness and consistency in the S2 it will give me a base to work from and improve.
I suspect Patrick that it always has to be a bit of both. As I am an engineer by day it naturally follows that I take a very analytical and methodical approach to anything really. At the end of the day though no one is a robot and like you say situations change so you have to adapt. One thing I do know from my very limited experience is that it takes me a long time to learn, but I chip away a little at a time always looking for more as in where and how to go on the throttle quicker and harder, where and how to minimise the time when not either braking or accelerating hard. I hope this doesn't hold me back this year as I probably have less experience of UK tracks then anyone else on here taking up racing this year. No doubt this year will be a massive learning experience but unless someone says otherwise my belief of methodical off the track and instinctual on it must be correct as you just don't have the time to analyse what you are doing at the time, to much going on.